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Friday, 12 July 2024
SALE CATALOG: Facsimiles of autographs & copyist manuscripts, facsimiles
of first editions & primary sources, and a selection of research material.
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ABBATE, Carlo, 16-17th c.

Regulae contrapuncti excerptae ex operibus Zerlini et aliorum ad breviorem tyronum instructionem accommodate per Fr. Carolus Abbate.

Leipzig, 1977. 11 x 17 cm, 108 pp. Line-cut of the St. Oslowan, 1629 edition. Linen. Special sale price $10, regularly $26 [item no.2700]

ALBERGATI CAPACELLI, Francesco, 1663-1735

Della drammatica [del Cittadino].

Biblioteca Storico Giuridica e Artistico Letteraria: Letteratura Musica Teatro, 62. Bologna, 1971. 16 x 21 cm, xi, 28 pp. Line-cut of the Milan, 1728 edition. Introduction in It by Marina Calore. Wrappers. Special sale price, $5, regularly $15 [item no.4046]

ALGAROTTI, Francesco, 1712-1764

Saggio sopra l’opera in musica (1763).

Biblioteca Storico Giuridica e Artistico Letteraria: Letteratura Musica Teatro, 56. Bologna, 1975. 16 x 21 cm, 157 pp. Line-cut of the Livorno, 1763. Wrappers. Special sale price, $10, regularly $25 [item no.4015]

ANCELET, 18th c.

Observations sur la musique, les musiciens et les intruments.

Geneva, 1984. 8º, 48 pp. Line-cut of the Amsterdam, 1757 edition. Offers a detailed account of the musical life in Paris from the middle of the 18th c. Wrappers. Special sale price $10, regularly $25 [item no.3231]

ANGELINI BONTEMPI, Giovanni Andrea, 1624-1705

Nova quatuor vocibus componendi methodus.

Scriptores, Libri Fototypice Expressi, 6. Bologna, 1971. 16 x 22 cm, 40 pp. Line-cut of the Dresden, 1660 edition. Dedicated to Schütz. Lays down the basic principles of polyphonic composition. Hardbound. Special sale price, $10, regularly $26 [item no.2439]

ARCHINTO VESCOVO, Filippo, 16-17th c. [compiler]

Lodi devote per uso della dottrina christiana. Como 1621.

[Appendice: Como, 3]. Como, 1984. 12 x 16 cm, xvi, 96 pp. Line-cut of the Gio. Angelo Turato edition, Como, 1621. Prefaces by Antonio Spallino and Maurizio Padoan and introduction to the texts by Oscar Tajetti. Includes ten musical settings in mensural notation. Wrappers. Special sale price, $5, regularly $17 [item no.3700]

AUDIFFREN, Jean, 1680-1762

Magnificat. Fac-similé du ms 1019 de Carpentras, Bibliothèque Inguimbertine. Introduction de Marc Signorile.

Manuscrits Musicaux des Provinces Françaises XVIIIe Siècle, 1. Geneva, 1996. 4º, vi, 7 pp. Line-cut of a contemporary ms copy. Wrappers. Special sale price $10, regularly $25 [item no.7290]

BACH, Johann Sebastian, 1685-1750

Felix, Werner. Johann Sebastian Bach: Lebendiges Erbe.

Beiträge zur Bachpflege der DDR, 14. Leipzig, 1988. 16 x 19 cm, 116, with 47 illus pp. Special issue devoted to the Thomaner-Chor with an emphasis on its working during Bach’s tenure as cantor. Introduction in Ger. Halftones of contemporary documents, musical mss, engravings, etc. Wrappers. Special sale price $5, regularly $16 [item no.2902]

Schwendowius, Barbara & Wolfgang Dömling. Johann Sebastian Bach: Life, Times.

Kassel, 1977. 31 x 31 cm, 179 pp with numerous illus. Beautiful picture documentary with essays by Finscher, Blankenburg, Keller, Wolff, Klein, Von Dadelsen, Eppelsheim, Dürr, & Dömling. Produced on the occasion of the tricentennary of the composer’s birth. Cloth. Special sale price $15, regularly $35 (more info... ) [item no.1736]

BOCCHI, Francesco, 1548-1618

Discorso sopra la musica [non secondo l’arte di quella, ma secondo la ragione alla politica pertinente] (Firenze 1581).

Scriptores, Libri Fototypice Expressi, 4. Bologna, 1977. 12 x 17 cm, 37 pp. Line-cut of the Florence, 1581 edition. Elaborate essay on music from the standpoint of its merits in various situations. Wrappers. Special sale price, $5, regularly $16 [item no.4078]


Breviloguium musicale (Regula musice plane) (1497). [Bibl. Palatina, Parma].

Monumenta Brixiensia, Fototypice Expressa, 2. Bologna, 1970. 16 x 22 cm, viii, 40 pp. Line-cut of the Brescia, 1497 incunabulum. Introduction in It by Vittorio Gibelli. Hardbound. Special sale price, $10, regularly $30 [item no.2650]


[& Uwe Kerner] Methoden in der Musikpsycologie.

Musikwissenschaftliche Studienbibliothek Peters. Leipzig, 1978. 8º, 195 pp. Cloth. Special sale price $10, regularly $42 [item no.6138]

BOURDELOT, Pierre, 1610-1685

Histoire de la musique et de ses effets, depuis son origine jusqu’à présent / [Jean Laurent de Cerf:] Comparaison de la musique italienne et de la françoise.

Die Großen Darstellungen der Musikgeschichte in Barock und Aufklärung, 2. Graz, 1966. 12º, 2 vols, c.1200 pp. Line-cut of the Amsterdam, 1725 and 1704-1706 editions. Two complementary titles. 4 vols. in 2. Linen. Special sale price $45, regularly $95 (more info... ) [item no.2930]

BRAHMS, Johannes, 1833-1897

[Neue Liebeslieder Walzer, vocal quartet, piano 4-hands, op.65] Die “Liebeslieder-Walzer” von Brahms und die zyklische Chormusik. Symposium in der Zentralbibliothek Zürich 15. November 2010. Herausgegeben von Urs Fischer, Laurenz Lütteken und Wolfgang Sandberger.

Documenta Musicologica, II/49. Kassel, 2014. Oblong, 34 x 25 cm, 28, 71 pp, w/41 illus, & CD. Beautiful full-color facsimile of the autograph, issued on the occasion of a special symposium held at the Zentralbibliothek Zürich when the ms was officially placed on permanent loan by the Swiss bank UBS. This valuable manuscript, completed in Rüschlikon outside of Zürich in the summer of 1874, and lost until 1991, is Brahms’ second set of love songs, building on his successful Liebeslieder Walzer op.52. Written for a vocal quartet and four-hand piano duo and intended as chamber music for use at home, the Neue Liebesliederwalzer are an eclectic mix of love-poems from many lands, including Turkey, Poland, Latvia, and Sicily (trans. into German by George Friedrich Daumer); the work concludes with Goethe’s “Zum Schluß”. The humorous casting of solo parts includes: bass as enraptured paramour, alto as jilted lover, tenor as Lothario, and soprano, a woman repeatedly unlucky in love. Commentary (in Ger) with 41 illustrations by Urs Fischer, Urs A. Müller-Lhotska, Otto Biba, Ingrid Fuchs, Wolfgang Sandberger, Inga Mai Groote, and Christiane Wiesenfeldt. Facsimile printed on fine laid paper with hand-stiched binding (after the original), housed with commentary and audio CD in a handsome clamshell case. Special sale price $95, regularly $158 (more info... ) [item no.9407]

BUONA, Valerio, c.1560-d.?

Essempi delli passaggi, delle consonanze, et dissonanze, et d’altre cose pertinenti al compositore.

Monumenta Brixiensia, Fototypice Expressa, 5. Milan, 1971. 16 x 22 cm, 27 pp. Line-cut of the Francesco & Simon Tini edition, Milan, 1596. Hardbound. Special sale price, $10, regularly $20 [item no.2438]

Regole del contraponto et compositione [brevemente raccolte da diversi autori].

Monumenta Brixiensia, Fototypice Expressa, 4. Bologna, 1971. 16 x 22 cm, xii, 79 pp. Line-cut of the Casale, 1595 edition. Introduction in It by Angiola Cortellazzo. Hardbound. Special sale price, $10, regularly $24 [item no.3914]

BUONANNI, Filippo, 1638-1725

Descrizione degl’istromenti armonici d’ogni genere.

Leipzig, 1975. 20 x 28 cm, 256 pp. Line-cut of the Rome, 1726 edition. Extremely informative treatise on organology with altogether 140 extended descriptions provided in Italian and French. Bilingual indices. Accompanied by 142 superb woodcuts of scenes of musicians with their instruments. Linen. Special sale price $50, regularly $125 [item no.2703]

CALVIN, John, 1509-1564

Aulcuns pseaulmes et cantiques mys en chant à Strasburg 1539. Réimpression phototypographique précédée d’un avant-propos par D. Delétra.

Geneva, 1919. 12 x 16 cm, xiv, 63 pp. Line-cut. One of several important publications by Köpphel reflecting the growth of Calvinism in Strasbourg during the 16th c. With 14 psalms by Clément Marot. Introduction in Fr. Limited edition of 500 copies on laid paper. Wrappers. Rare. Special sale price $15, regularly $45 [item no.1961]

CARTER, Elliot, b.1908

Sketches and Scores in Manuscript. A Selection of Manuscripts and Other Pertinent Material from the American Collection of the Music Division, The New York Public Library, on Exhibition December 1973 through February 1974 in the Vincent Astor Gallery, Library & Museum of the Performing Arts, the New York Public Library at Lincoln Center.

New York, 1973. 20 x 24 cm, 64 pp. Illus. Halftones from 9 autographs. Bibliography and discography. Wrappers. Special sale price $5, regularly $16 [item no.235]

CAZZATI, Maurizio, c.1620-1677

[Correnti & balletti, strings, bc, op.4] Correnti, balletti, galiarde a 3. è 4.

Monumenta Bononiensia, Fototypice Expressa, 12. Bologna, 1971. 16 x 22 cm, 4 partbooks, 118 pp. Line-cut of the Francesco Magni edition, Venice 1659. 31 pieces in partbooks (vln I-II, violone, & spinetta/chitarone) in one vol. Laid paper. Cloth. Special sale price, $25, regularly $46 [item no.1257]

CHOPIN, Frédéric, 1810-1849

[Correspondence, to Elsner; to ?] Deux lettres de Chopin au Chateau de Mariemont. Commentées par Ignace Blockman.

Brussels, 1949. 24 x 31 cm,, xxi, 3 pp. Line-cut of two Chopin autograph letters, in French, from the immense holdings of the Musée Royal de Mariemont (the museum’s treasures were amassed under the patronage of four generations of the 19th-c. industrial Warocque family; Raoul Warocque in particular gave the institution approximately 5,000 autograph letters). The first is written to Józef Elsner, Chopin’s teacher, and is dated 29 August 1826; the second, a card, mentions a sonata and was written to an unknown addresse in 1845. Includes tipped in facsimile of the first known portrait of Chopin painted around 1829 by Ambroise Mieroszewski. With introduction in Fr. Limited edition of 505 copies. Wrappers. Special sale price $12, regularly $45 (more info... ) [item no.2687]

DEBUSSY, Claude, 1862-1918

“Les Papillons” for Voice and Piano. First Edition. Text by Théophile Gautier. A Performing Edition and Facsimile of the Composer’s Autograph in the Music Division of The New York Public Library for the Performing Arts, Dorothy and Lewis B. Cullman Center. [JOB 96-17].

New York, 2004. 27x 35 cm, 26 pp. Beautiful bibliophile edition with full-color facsimile, in the original format, of the autograph fair copy. The ms, with inscription “to Madame Vanier, who has a voice light enough to sing songs about butterflies” was probably given as a presentation copy to the gifted singer Marie Blanche Vasnier for whom Debussy composed many songs in the 1880s. Includes a preface by Margaret G. Cobb, and an essay on the manuscript and a performing edition by Marie Rolf (the work is hitherto unpublished). Limited edition of 1,000 copies. Portfolio, with insert for facsimile and performing edition. Special sale price $30, regularly $65 (more info... ) [item no.8445]

DEGEYTER, Pierre, 1848-1932

L’internationale. Faksimile-Ausgabe des Autographs. Im Auftrag des Instituts für Marxismus-Leninismus beim Zentralkomitee der SED, der Akademie der Künste der DDR, des Verbandes der Komponisten und Musikwissenschaftler der DDR. Herausgeben von Inge Lammel und Gerhard Stübe.

Leipzig, 1976. 19 x 28 cm, 4, 16 pp. Halftone of the autograph fair copy scored for voice and piano. Set to the words of Eugène Pottier. One of the great songs of the world proletariat, later adopted as the national anthem of the U.S.S.R. Afterword in Ger-Rus-Eng-Fr. Handsomely bound in red linen. Special sale price $5, regularly $20 [item no.742]

DESSAU, Paul, 1894-1979

Bach-Variationen für großes Orchester, 1963. Faksimile nach dem Autograph. Herausgegeben vom Johann-Sebastian-Bach-Komitee der DDR zum III. Internationalen Bachfest der DDR und aus Anlaß des 175 jährigen Bestehens des.

Musikverlages Peters, Leipzig 1975. Leipzig, 1975. 29 x 49 cm, 100 pp. Halftone of the autograph fair copy. Issued on the occasioin of the 175th year of the founding of Edition Peters in Leipzig. Full linen. Special sale price $30, regularly $95 [item no.261]

FRESCOBALDI, Girolamo, 1583-1643

[Toccatas, etc., keyboard, book 1] Toccate d’intavolatura di cimbalo et organo. Partite di diverse, arie e corrente, balletti, ciaccone, passaghagli. Libro primo.

Archivum Musicum: Strumentalismo Italiano, 3. Florence, 1980. 24 x 34 cm, iii, 116 pp. Line-cut of the Rome, 1637 edition. Preface in It by Laura Alvini. Wrappers in decorative paper. Special sale price, $23, regularly $35 (more info... ) [item no.853]

[Toccatas, etc., keyboard, book 2] Il secondo libro di toccate, canzone, versi d’hinni magnificat, gagliarde, correnti, et altre partite d’intavolatura di cimbalo et organo.

Archivum Musicum: Strumentalismo Italiano, 4. Florence, 1980. 24 x 34 cm, i, 94 pp. Line-cut of the Rome, 1637 edition. Preface in It by Laura Alvini. Wrappers in decorative paper. Special sale price, $23, regularly $35 (more info... ) [item no.852]

FRIEDMANN, Aron, 1855-1936

Der synagogale Gesang.

Musikwissenschaftliche Studienbibliothek Peters. Leipzig, 1978. 8º, 150, xvii pp. (Rpt. of Berlin, 1908 edition). Cloth. Special sale price $15, regularly $35 [item no.6136]

GAFURIO, Franchino, 1451-1522

Angelicum ac divinum opus musicae.

Scriptores, Libri Fototypice Expressi, 1. Bologna, 1971. 22 x 31 cm, 92 pp. Line-cut of the Milan, 1508 edition. Laid paper. Hardbound. Special sale price, 25, regularly $52 [item no.3026]

GUERINI, Francesco, b.?-c.1770

Six Solos for a Violoncello with a Thorough Bass for the Harpschord. Opera IX. Edited by Sarah Freiberg.

Critical Facsimiles, 8. New York, 2001. 22 x 31 cm, iii, 37, iii pp. Line-cut of the London, c.1765 edition. “Corrected” facsimile edition reflecting the views of the editor. With critical apparatus listing all errors and inconsistencies. Laid paper, wrappers. (Special sale price $10 eff. 7/15/23, regularly $18 [item no.7950]

HANDEL, George Frideric, 1685-1759

[Radamisto, opera, HWV 12, selections] “Alzo al volo di mia fama”. Arie aus der Oper Radamisto. Faksimile nach dem Autograph. [Deutsche Staatsbibl. Berlin, mus. ms. aut. G.F. Händel 1].

Leipzig, 1959. Oblong, 31 x 27 cm, 10, 4 pp. Superb 2-color collotype of the tenor aria "Alzo al volo di mia fama", iissued on the occasion of the 200th anniversary of the composer's death. Afterword in Ger by Walther Siegmund-Schultze. Linen spine with coverboards in antique paper. Special sale price $15, regularly $45 (more info... ) [item no.308]

HAYDN, Franz Joseph, 1732-1809

[Canzonetta, voice, keyboard] Content–Facsimile Reproduction of Four Versions with Foreword by H.C. Robbins Landon. [Muzeum Narodowego, Krakow].

Cardiff, 1983. Oblong, 34 x 23 cm, iv, 12 pp. Halftone of the autograph sketch of “Der verdienstvolle Sylvius”, together with line-cut reproductions of three early printed editions: “Das Geständniß einer schönen Schäferinn” (Prague, 1795), “Transport of Pleasure” (after 1794) and “Content”. Issued on the occasion of the 250th anniversary of Haydn’s birth. Wrappers. Special sale price $6, regularly $12 [item no.3715]

HILLER, Johann Adam, 1728-1804

Lebensbeschreibungen berühmter Musikgelehren und Tonkünstler neuerer Zeit.

Musikwissenschaftliche Studienbibliothek Peters. Leipzig, 1979. 12 x 21 cm, 322, xx pp. Line-cut of the Leipzig, 1784 edition. Linen. Special sale price $20, regularly $78 [item no.2834]

HOLBORNE, Antony, b.?-1602

Pavans, Galliards, Almains and other Short Aeirs both Grave and Light, in Five Parts, for Viols, Violins, or other Musicall Winde Instruments.

Waiblingen, 1991. 8º, 5 partbooks, c.180 pp. Line-cut of the London, 1599 edition. 65 charming instrumental pieces, suitable for strings & winds, in mensural notation. It is the largest surviving collection of its kind, most of the pieces are of the pavan-galliard combination. Handsome bibliophile edition produced with vellum-paper boards, with matching slipcase. Special sale price $75, regularly $122 (more info... ) [item no.4149]

HOLST, Gustav, 1874-1934

Chamber Operas. 1: Savitri Opus 25; 2: The Wandering Scholar Opus 50). Edited by Imogen Holst.

Collected Facsimile Edition of Autograph Manuscripts of the Published Works, I. London, 1974. 27 x 36 cm, 208 pp. 2-color halftone. Linen. Special limited offer. Special sale price $15, regularly $85 (more info... ) [item no.342]

Works for Small Orchestra. 1: St. Paul’s Suite Opus 29 No. 2; 2: A Fugal Concerto Opus 40 No. 2; 3: Double Concerto Opus 49; 4: Brook Green Suite; 5: Lyric Movement. Edited by Imogen Holst, Assistant Editor: Colin Matthews.

Collected Facsimile Edition of Autograph Manuscripts of the Published Works, II. London, 1977. 27 x 36 cm, 205 pp. 2-color halftone. Linen. Special sale price $15, regularly $85 (more info... ) [item no.343]

JACQUET DE LA GUERRE, Élisabeth, 1659-1729

[Pièces, harpsichord, book 1] Edited by Catherine Cessac and Arthur Lawrence. [private collection, Catherine Cessac].

Critical Facsimiles, 9. New York, 2009. Oblong, 26 x 20 cm, xii, 86, 28 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, [1687] edition. Includes apparatus listing all editorial emendations. Wrappers. Special sale price $10 eff. 7/15/23, regularly $30 [item no.9111]

KRETZSCHMAR, Hermann, ???

Gesammelte Aufsätze aus den Jahrbüchern der Musikbibliothek Peters.

Peters-Reprints, eine Musikhistorische Studienbibliothek. Leipzig, 1973. 8º, 2 vols, c.500 pp. (Rpt. of Leipzig, 1911 edition). Cloth. Special sale price $25, regularly $95 [item no.6135]

LAURENZI, Filiberto, 17th c.

[Arie, voice, bc, 1643] Arie a una voce per cantarsi nel clavicembalo ò tiorba (1643).

Monumenta Romandiola, [Fototypice Expressa] 4]. Bologna, 1979. 21 x 31 cm, 32 pp. Line-cut of the Bartolomeo Magni edition, Venice, 1643. Wrappers. Special sale price, $15, regularly $24 [item no.4153]

LICHTENTHAL, Pietro, 1780-1853

Estetica, ossia dottrina del bello e delle arti belle.

Biblioteca Storico Giuridica e Artistico Letteraria: Letteratura Musica Teatro, 21. Bologna, 1971. 16 x 21 cm, 455 pp. Line-cut of the Milan, 1831 edition. Wrappers. Special sale price, $15, regularly $38 [item no.3990]

Estetica, ossia dottrina del bello e delle arti belle, 1831. [Parte speciale:] La musica.

[Biblioteca Storico Giuridica e Artistico Letteraria: Letteratura Musica Teatro, 24]. Bologna, 1971. 14 x 21 cm, ix, 67 pp. Line-cut of the Milan, 1831 edition. Introduction in It by Osvaldo Gambassi. Wrappers. Special sale price, $10, regularly $24 [item no.3991]

LISZT, Franz, 1811-1886

[Lied, “Es war einmal ein König”, voice, male chorus, piano, S.73, LWJ9] “Es war einmal ein König . . .”. Goethes Flohlied in der Vertonung von Franz Liszt. Faksimile-Ausgabe mit Anmerkungen zum Goethe-Verständnis und zu einigen Goethe-Kompositionen Liszts von Hans Rudolf Jung. [Goethe-Schiller-Archiv, Weimar].

Weimar, 1986. Oblong, 31 x 22 cm, xiv, 12 pp. Halftone of the autograph score from the 1840s, issued on the 100th anniversary of the composer’s death. Wrappers. Special sale price $10, regularly $29 (more info... ) [item no.3820]

Franz Liszt. Accademico Filarmonico nel centenario della morte. Atti convegno.

Miscellanee Saggi Convegni, 37. Bologna, 1987. 8º, 151 pp. Congress report issued on the occasion of the centennial of Liszt’s death. Contributors include Kanceff, Poniatowska, Mioli, Dalmonte, Poli, Colombati Donadoni Omodeo. Wrappers. Special sale price, $5, regularly $30 [item no.5240]

LÜBECK, Vincent, 1654-1740

Clavier Uebung bestehnd im Praeludio, Fuga, Allemande, Courante, Sarabande und Gigue. Edited by C. David Harris. [British Library, London].

Critical Facsimiles, 5. New York, 2000. 30 x 43 cm, iv, 11, iii pp. Line-cut of the author’s edition, Hamburg, 1728. A “corrected” facsimile, with critical apparatus listing emendations. Wrappers. (Special sale price $8 eff. 7/15/23, regularly $18 [item no.8400]

MAHLER, Gustav, 1860-1911

[Symphony No.5 in C minor, selections] Adagietto. Facsimile, Documentation, Recording. Gilbert Kaplan, Editor. [Mss., Pierpont Morgan Library, New York & New York Public Library at Lincoln Center].

New York, 1992. 30 x 38 cm, 112, 20 + 20 pp, CD audio recording. Sharp duotone of both Mahler’s autograph fair copy score and Alma Mahler’s Stichvorlage of the “Adagietto” movt of the Fifth Symphony. This wonderfully lyrical movement was, according to notes left behind by Willem Mengelberg, Gustav’s declaration of love for Alma. Commentary by Gilbert E. Kaplan and Edward R. Reilly. Copious documentation and bibliography. Includes a new CD recording with the London Symphony Orchestra. Numbered edition of 1500 copies in silk case. Special sale price $75, regularly $125 (more info... ) [item no.4293]

[Symphony, no.7, D major] Facsimile Edition of the Seventh Symphony. Donald Mitchell/Edward R. Reilly. [Het Concertegebouw, Amsterdam].

’s-Graveland, 1995. 30 x 40 cm, 2 vols, 98; 308 pp. Beautiful full color facsimile of the autograph fair copy published on the occasion of the Concertgebouw Orchestra’s “Mahler-feest 1995.” Contains numerous erasures & revisions, with major but non-structural differences from the printed score, including the elimination of a contrapuntal section from the second movement. Introduction analyzes relationship of surviving sources; these include a copyist’s ms & a “cancelled” sketchbook in Vienna, and two sketch-drafts in New York. Handsome clamshell case in blue linen. Special sale price $75; copies with blemishes on case $50, regularly $375 (more info... ) [item no.4983]

MARPURG, Friedrich Wilhelm, 1718-1795

Legende einiger Musikheiligen. Mit einem Nachwort herausgegeben von Wolfgang Reich. [Musikbibl. der Stadt, Leipzig].

Musikwissenschaftliche Studienbibliothek Peters. Leipzig, 1980. 10 x 17 cm, 349, xii pp. Line-cut of the Breslau, 1786 edition in the original format. Linen. Special sale price $20, regularly $65 [item no.2836]

MARTINI, Giovannni Battista, 1706-1784

Piano generale per una storia della musica di Charles Burney con un catalogo della sua biblioteca musicale. [Civico Museo Bibliografico Musicale, Bologna, ms. I F.62].

Monumenta Bononiensia, Fototypice Expressa, 21. Bologna, 1972. 22 x 32 cm, ix, 14 pp. Line-cut of the autograph. General plan for a history of music by Dr. Charles Burney, with a catalogue of his musical library. It records with remarkable vividness the meeting of Martini and Burney. With preface and transcription by Vincent Duckles. Laid paper. Hardbound. Special sale price, $15, regularly $30 [item no.1988]

Moreschi, Giambattista Alessandro. Orazione in lode del Padre Maestro Giambattista Martini (1784), presentazione di Marina Calore.

Biblioteca Storico Giuridica e Artistico Letteraria: Letteratura Musica Teatro, 33. Bologna, 2/ 1989. 18 x 25 cm, xiii, 39 pp. Wrappers. Special sale price, $5, regularly $15 [item no.4047]


[“Auf Wiedersehn”, voice & piano, from op.47] Jubiläumsgabe zum hundertfünfzigsten Geburtstag von Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy am 3. Februar 1959.

Veröffentlichungen der Internationalen Felix Mendelssohn Gesellschaft. Basel, 1959. Oblong, 21 x 15 cm, vi, 1 , v pp. Deluxe full-color facsimile of autograph, dated Leipzig, 22 January 1840, with hand-painted flower decorations in the margins by Cécile Mendelssohn. Presented by the Mendelssohns to the singer Elisa Meerti as a souvenir on her departure from Leipzig after a benefit concert in the Gewandhaus where she performed the song (“Es ist bestimmt in Gottes Rat”) as an encore. Introduction in Ger by Hugo von Mendelssohn-Bartholdy and Max Schneider. Laid paper, with wrappers in marbled paper with silk string. Special sale price $5, regularly $20 [item no.406]

[Overture, A Midsummers Night’s Dream, op.21] Ein Sommernachtstraum. Ouvertüre op.21. Autograph, Biblioteka Jagiellońska, Kraków. Commentary by / Kommentar von Friedhelm Krummacher.

Documenta Musicologica, II/41. Kassel, 2009. 27 x 37 cm, xiii, 60, 57 pp. Full-color facsimile of the elegant fair copy autograph score (formerly Deutsche Staatsbibliothek, Mus. ms. autogr. Mendelssohn 21), and monochrome reproduction of a fragmentary autograph score (Bodleian Library, Ms. Deneke-Mendelssohn B 5)—the only surviving sources of the overture. This work of youthful genius was written in 1826 during a carefree summer spent at the summer house among his siblings at a time when the composer became immersed in the works of Shakespeare through Schegel and Tieck translations. An enchanted night, virtually fragrant dreams, floating fairies—the sensory associations evoked and fashioned by the music of Mendelssohn’s overture A Midsummer Night’s Dream are almost inexhaustible. This is without doubt Mendelssohn’s most popular concert overture. The score is innovative as well, for example, in the ordering in the instruments—proceeding woodwinds, percussion, strings, with the bass fiddle at the bottom—, though peculiar for the time, coincides with modern accepted convention. The autograph score also calls for the rare "corno inglese di basso", usually substituted by the ophecleide, bass bassoon or bass trombone. Handsome bibliophile edition issued on the occasion of the 200th anniversary of the composer's birth. Handsome binding with decorative paper boards, burgundy linen spine, and pasted title etikette. Commentary in Eng-Ger-Jap. Special sale price $189 (more info... ) [item no.9033]

MONDONVILLE, Jean-Joseph Cassanea de, 1711-1772

[Pièces, harpsichord, voice/violin, op.5] Les pièces de clavecin avec voix ou violon. Par Marc Pincherle.

London, 1966. 31 x 41 cm, ii, 22 pp. Beautiful line-cut of the Boivin & Le Clerc edition, Paris, 1748. 9 settings of psalms for harpsichord with voice or violin accompaniment, the first publication of its type. The elaborately engraved frontis piece is a masterpiece of 18th c. pictorial art. Preface in Fr by Marc Pincherle. Bibliophile edition with laid paper & marbled coverboards. Special sale price $20, regularly $55 (more info... ) [item no.891]

MONTEVERDI, Claudio, 1567-1643

Lamento d'Arianna. Faksimile nach dem Erstdruck der Universitätsbibliothek Gent. Herausgegeben und mit einer Einführung von Silke Leopold.

Meisterwerke der Musik im Faksimile, 49. Laaber, 2017. 21.5 x 27.5 cm, 12, 32 pp. Line-cut of Magni edition, Venice, 1623 (sole surviving copy), containing the “Lamento d’Arianna” and two “Lettere amorose” from the seventh book of of madrigals. The Lamento d’Arianna (”Let me die”) is the centerpiece of Monteverdi’s lost second opera L’Arianna first performed in Mantua on May 28, 1608. Contemporary reports describe it as the most beautiful composition in the new genre of opera. Severo Bonini writes in his treatise that there was scarcely a domestic harpsichord in the whole of Italy on which a copy of the Lamento did not lie open. Introduction in Ger/Eng. Hardbound. Special sale price $60, regularly $93 (more info... ) [item no.9510]

MOZART, Franz Xavier, 1791-1844

[Polonaises, piano] Four Polonaises for Piano. A Facsimile of the First Edition with an Introduction by Stoddard Lincoln.

London, 1974. Oblong, 31 x 23 cm, 1, 6 pp. Line-cut of C.F. Peters edition issued in Leipzig c.1820. W.A. Mozart’s youngest son. Delightful pieces in the style of Hummel, Schubert and von Weber. Wrappers. Special sale price $5, regularly $12 [item no.436]

MOZART, Wolfgang Amadeus, 1756-1791

[Impresario, K.486] Der Schauspieldirektor. The Impresario. A Comedy with Music in One Act, K.486. Facsimile of the Autograph Manuscript in the Mary Flagler Cary Music Collection, The Pierpont Morgan Library.

New York, 1976. Oblong, 35 x 26 cm, xi, 89 pp. 2-color halftone of the autograph score composed between Jan. 18 and Feb. 3, 1786. A “Singspiel”, with libretto by Gottlieb Stephanie, and consisting of an “Ouverture, 2 Arien, ein Terzett und Vaudeville”, the work was commissioned by Emperor Joseph II and first presented (along with an opera by Salieri) at Schönbrunn, the emperor’s summer residence near Vienna.. Includes draft for the aria “Da schlägt die Abschiedsstunde”, in the possession of the New York Public Library. Preface by Charles Ryskamp; introduction by Rigbie Turner. Beta-radiographs of 4 watermarks. Wrappers, in heavy textured blue paper with beautifully printed title block. Special sale price $25, regularly $75 (more info... ) [item no.465]

Concerto for Horn and Orchestra in E-flat Major, K.370b + 371. Edited and with a Foreword by John B. Howard. Introductory Essays by Christoph Wolff and Robert D. Levin.

Cambridge, 1997. Oblong, 4º, 68 pp. 4-color halftone. This fascinating work, possibly commissioned for the Viennese hornist Jacob Eisen, is one of a number of incomplete concerti left by Mozart and one that suffered an unfortunate circumstance. In 1856, for the centennial of Mozart's birth, the composer's eldest son, Carl, decided to cut up and give away portions of the autograph (first movement) as souvenirs to several admirers of his father's music. Now, 150 years after Carl's strange celebration, eight of a total of nine fragments are preserved in seven libraries, six in Europe and one in the US. This facsimile offers two important reunifications of the concerto's parts. The first one, assembles and reproduces the scattered autograph fragments of the first movement (K.370b), producing an uninterrupted draft score of its first 131 measures. For the second reunification we have to be thankful to Mr. Robert Owen Lehman who has made it possible to present the autograph score of the second movement (”Concert Rondeau” K.371) in its entirety. The MS lacked a bifolio that reappeared in 1988. Mr. Lehman, who owns K.371, acquired this bifolio, miraculously completing, after nearly two centuries, this score. These extraordinary events make this publication an invaluable contribution to Mozart studies and highlight one the prime purposes and advantages of the facsimile edition: to have at one's disposal, and side by side, primary sources located thousands of miles apart. Limited edition of 400 copies. Cloth. Special sale price $50, regularly $125 (more info... ) [item no.7496]

[Concerto, violin & orch, no. 5, K.219, A major] Violinkonzert A-Dur KV 219. Faksimile nach dem Autograph aus den Sammlungen der Musikabteilung der Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. Herausgegeben und mit einer Einführung Stefan Drees / Facsimile of the Autograph from the Collections of the Music Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. Edited and with an Introduction by Stefan Dress.

Meisterwerke der Musik im Faksimile, 35. Laaber, 2016. Oblong, 4°, xxii, 92 pp. Full-color facsimile of the autograph score. Although Mozart was an accomplished violinist, playing the premiere of the Strasboug Concerto, his last concerto was probably fashioned for Antonio Brunetti, with whom Mozart shared the concertmaster position in the orchestra of the Prince and Archbishop of Salzburg. Introduction in Ger-Eng. Hardbound with decorative paper bounds. Special sale price $110, regularly $189 (more info... ) [item no.9401]

[German Dances, orch, K.509] Deutsche Tänze KV 509. Faksimile nach dem im Besitz der Deutschen Staatsbibliothek Berlin befindlichen Autograph. Mit einem Nachwort von Wilhelm Virneisel.

Musikwissenschaftliche Studienbibliothek Peters. Leipzig, 2/ 1976. Oblong, 31 x 23 cm, 24, iv pp. Halftone of the 1784 autograph. Wrappers. Special sale price $25, regularly $55 [item no.460]

[Serenade, strg orch, “Eine kleine Nachtmusik” K.525] Eine kleine Nachtmusik. Serenade in G-Dur KV 525. Faksimile der autographen Partitur. Einführung von Wolfgang Rehm. [Ms. Dr. Arthur Wilhelm Collection, Switzerland].

Leipzig, 1989. Oblong, 33 x 25 cm, xiii, 14 pp. Collotype of the autograph score completed August 10, 1787. This celebrated serenade or "party music" in four movements originally had a fifth movement—two minuets and their trio are now lost. The autograph calls for 2 violins, viola, violoncello and bass (string quintet) but it is often performed by a larger orchestra. The manuscript was rediscovered by Manfred Gorke in 1943; it then went to Karl Vötterle, avid collector and founder of Bärenreiter Verlag who sold it for 50,000 Deutschmarks after WW2 to help rebuild the destroyed publishing house. It is now in private hands in Basel. Introduction in Fr/Ger/Eng. Handsome binding in linen with red and gold title stamp. Special sale price $25, regularly $75 (more info... ) [item no.3901]

[Serenade, strg orch, “Eine kleine Nachtmusik” K.525] Eine kleine Nachtmusik KV 525. Introduction / Einführung: Wolfgang Rehm.

Documenta Musicologica, II/46. Kassel, 2013. Oblong, 34 x 25 cm, 14, 24 pp. New color facsimile of the autograph score in its original loose bifolio and folio format. Afterword in Eng-Ger. Limited bibliophile edition with beautiful clam shell case covered in moire fabric. Special sale price $145, regularly $239 (more info... ) [item no.9331]

[Sonata, piano, violin, K.6, 1st ed.] Sonates pour le clavecin qui peuvent se jouer avec l’accompagnement de violon. Œuvre première.

Geneva, 1988. Oblong, 30 x 22 cm, iv, 22 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, [1764] edition. The first work of Mozart (at seven years of age) to be engraved. Facsimile based on the copy delivered by Leopold and Wolfgang to Madame Victoire, Louis XV’s daughter. Introduction in Fr-Eng by François Lesure. Wrappers. Special sale price $15, regularly $40 [item no.3051]

OEHME, Fritz

Handbuch über ältere, neuere und neueste Orgelwerke im Königreiche Sachsen von 1710 an bis zur Gegenwart.

Musikwissenschaftliche Studienbibliothek Peters. Leipzig, 1978. 8º, 4 vols, 1094 pp. (Rpt. of Dresden, 1889-1897 edition). Cloth. Special sale price $45, regularly $125 [item no.6132]

PACI, Iacinto, 17th c. [publisher]

Testi drammatici per le funzione delle tasche in Lucca. (1669-1681). [Accademia Filarmonica, Bologna & Bibl. Governativa, Lucca].

Carmina Dramatica: Lucensia, 2. Bologna, 1972. 15 x 21 cm, 332 pp. Line-cut of the Lucca, 1669-1681 edition. Wrappers. (no music). Special sale price $10, regularly $39 [item no.4091]

PORTA, Ercole, 16-17th c.

Ore di recreazione musicale [a una & due voci, per cantare, et sonare nel chittarone, ò altri instrumenti] (1612).

Monumenta Bononiensia, Persicetana, Fototypice Expressa, 1. Bologna, 1977. 21 x 31 cm, 20 pp. Line-cut of the Venice, 1612 edition. 17 numbers for 1 or 2 voices, with and without accompaniment by lute or keyboard. Hardbound. Special sale price, $10, regularly $21 [item no.5179]

RAMEAU, Jean-Philippe, 1683-1764

[Pièces, harpsichord, book 1] Premier livre de pièces de clavecin. Edited by R. Peter Wolf.

Critical Facsimiles, 1. New York, 1986. Oblong, 28 x 21 cm, v, 15, iii pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1706 edition (contains introduction and apparatus listing editorial emendations). Wrappers. Special sale price $8 eff. 7/15/23, regularly $15 [item no.2240]

RANGONI, Giovanni Batista, 18th c.

Essai sur le gout de la musique / Saggio sul gusto della musica col carattere de’ tre celebri suonatori di violino: i Signori Nardini, Lolli e Pugnani.

Biblioteca Storico Giuridica e Artistico Letteraria: Letteratura Musica Teatro, 57. Bologna, 1971. 16 x 21 cm, 94 pp. Line-cut of the Livorno, 1790 bilingual edition. Wrappers. Special sale price, $5, regularly $17 [item no.4044]

RIVA, Giuseppe, c.1696-d.?

Advice to the Composers and Performers of Vocal Musick. Translated from the Italian / Avviso ai compositori, ed ai cantanti.

Biblioteca Storico Giuridica e Artistico Letteraria: Letteratura Music Teatro, [51]. Bologna, 1971. 16 x 21 cm, 30 pp. Line-cut of the London, 1727 and 1728 editions. Wrappers. Special sale price, $5, regularly $14 [item no.4017]

RUHE, Johann Friedrich, 1699-1776

[Suite, viola da gamba, violoncello] Suite pour viole de gambe et violoncello. Herausgegeben von Bernd Musil und dem Thüringischen Staatsarchiv Greiz.

Magdeburg, 2001. 4º, 4, 8 pp. Halftone of the autograph score. Wrappers. Special sale price $10, regularly $18 [item no.7977]

SAND, George, 1804-1876

Essai sur le drame fantastique: Goethe, Byron, Mickiewicz.

Biblioteca Storico Giuridica e Artistico Letteraria: Letteratura Musica Teatro, 69. Bologna, 1979. 17 x 24 cm, 54, vii pp. Line-cut of the 19th-c. edition. Afterword in It by Annarosa Poli. Wrappers. Special sale price, $5, regularly $18 [item no.4045]

SCHEIBE, Johann Adolph, 1708-1776

Ueber die musikalische Composition. Reprint der Ausgabe Leipzig 1773 (”Erster Theil”). Herausgegeben von Karsten Mackensen mit einem Register von Dieter Haberl.

Documenta Musicologica, I/42. Kassel, 2006. 8˚, 708 pp. Line-cut of the Leipzig, 1773 edition. Scheibe, composer and publicist, wrote this important treatise—considered one of the most comprehensive treatments of 18th-c. music and its fundamentals—near the end of his life; he was only able to finish the first part, reproduced here in its entirety. Hardbound. Special sale price $40, regularly $109 [item no.8758]

SCHUMANN, Clara, 1819-1896

[Lieder, selections, op.12 & WoO 17] Vier Gedichte von Rückert. Opus 12 und WoO 17. Faksimile nach dem Autograph aus dem Robert-Schumann-Haus, Zwickau. Mit einem Geleitwort von Manfred Jung. Herausgegeben und mit einer Einführung von Thomas Synofzik.

Meisterwerke der Musik im Faksimile, 42. Laaber, 2020. Oblong, 24 x 16.5 cm, xxi, 24 pp. Full-color facsimile of the autograph. “Four poems by Rückert for my beloved husband on 8th June, 1841, composed by his Clara”, is what Clara wrote on the flyleaf of this charming music book, on the occasion of Robert’s 41th birthday. In some ways is was her response to his gift of songs () present to her on the occasion of the couple’s marriage and a choice of Rückert poems was appropriate, as the poet himself had dedicated thi poetry to his bride 20 years before. Contents: Er ist gekommen in Sturm und Regen, Liebst Du um Schönheit, Warum willst Du And’re fragen; Die gute Nacht, ir ivh fit dshr. Introduction in Ger-Eng. Hardbound with boards in decorative paper. Special sale price $45, regularly $72 (more info... ) [item no.9609]

SCHUMANN, Robert, 1810-1856

Schoppe, Martin. Robert Schumann. Selbstbiographische Notizen. Faksimile. Herausgegeben im Auftrage der Robert-Schumann-Gesellschaft von Dr. Martin Schoppe.

[Zwickau], 1977. 21 x 29 cm, 7, with 4 pp. Halftone of one of four Schumann documments written c. 1840 that outlines the composer’s artistic development from his earliest musical experiences to 1834. Foreword and full transcription of the text. Wrappers. Special sale price $5, regularly $15 (more info... ) [item no.2087]

SEIDEL, Ferdinand, 1705-d.?

Zwölf Menuetten für die Laute, von Herrn Ferdinand Seidel, samt einer Fantasie von Herrn Baron, Königl. Preußischen Lautenisten. Als eine Probe eines neuen Drucks von musicalischen Caracteren für die Laute.

Leipzig, 1969. 32 x 27 cm, 10, iv, 16 pp. Line-cut of the Johann Gottlob Immanuel Breitkopf edition (Leipzig, 1757); Breitkopf used here a new printing technique—employing a precision-made highly flexible font—that helped revolutionize 18th-c. music printing. Together with a new practical edition and commentary in Ger by Adalbert Quadt. Quarter linen with coverboards in decorative paper. Special sale price $10, regularly $40 (more info... ) [item no.1135]

SMETANA, Bedrich, 1824-1884

[Bartered Bride, piano 4 hand-vocal score] Prodaná nevesta. První Nácrtek Bedricha Smetany. [Museum Bedricha Smetany, Prague, mus. ms. inv.c.4. Sign. Tr. xii(3)].

Prague, 1944. Oblong, 34 x 27 cm, xviii, 60, 16 pp. Piano 4-hand arrangement. 2-color facsimile issued on the occasion of the centenary of the composer’s birth. Introduction and commentary in Czech by Mirko OcΩadlík. Linen. Special sale price $40, regularly $95 [item no.591]

SOTO, Francesco, 1539-1619

[Laudi, 1591] Il quarto libro delle laudi a tre et quatro voci (1591).

Monumenta Romana, Fototypice Expressa, 4. Bologna, 1971. 17 x 25 cm, 210 pp. Line-cut of the Rome, 1591 edition. Contains over 60 compositions, conveniently notated for 3 or 4 voices in choirbook format. Hardbound. Special sale price, $20, regularly $46 [item no.1350]

SPATARO, Giovanni, c.1458-1541

[Opera omnia] Utile e breve regule di canto (Cod. Londin., British Museum, Add. 4920) prodeunt curante Ioseph Vecchi.

Monumenta Bononiensia, 2/2. Bologna, 1962. 24 x 33 cm, vii, 41 pp. Halftone of the London ms, reproduced one opening per page. Introduction in It. Wrappers. Special sale price, $10, regularly $18 [item no.2505]

TERZI, Giovanni Antonio, c.1580-1620

[Intabulations, lute, book 1] Intavolatura di liuto. Libro primo nella trascrizione di Mirko Caffagni.

Monumenta Lombarda, C/1 (Opere Giovanni Antonio Terzi, 1). Milan, 1966. 23 x 31 cm, 136 pp. Line-cut of the Venice, 1593 edition. Wrappers. Special sale price, $15, regularly $37 [item no.1143]

WAGNER, Richard, 1813-1883

KinderKatechismus zu Kosel’s Geburtstag (WWV 106B). Faksimile nach dem Autograph des Nationalarchivs der Richard-Wagner-Stiftung Bayreuth. Mit einem Kommentar von Sven Friedrich.

Meisterwerke der Musik im Faksimile, 24. Laaber, 2012. Oblong, 29.7 x 21 cm, xvi, 8 pp. Full-color halftone of the autograph score of Wagner’s tribute to “Kosel” (Cosima), his second wife, on her 36th birthday, 25 December 1873. Introduction in Ger-Eng. Hardbound. Special sale price $25, regularly $63 (more info... ) [item no.9294]

WEBER, Carl Maria von, 1786-1826

[Concertino, horn & orch, op.45, J.188] Concertino für Horn und Orchester e-moll, op. 45. Faksimile nach dem Partiturautograph der Deutschen Staatsbibliothek. [Mus. ms. autogr. C.M. v. Weber WFN 9].

Leipzig, 1986. Oblong, 18 x 13 cm, iv, 36 pp. Halftone of the autograph score in reduced format issued on the occasion of the bicentennial of the composer’s birth. Based on the 1815 autograph score prepared for the hornist Rauch (the original 1806 score is now lost). Introduction in Ger by Friedhilde Krause, Wolfgang Goldhan, and Hans-Jürgen Freiherr von Weber. Wrappers. Special sale price $15, regularly $28 (more info... ) [item no.2333]

Der Freischütz (Partitur). Nachbildung des Autographs aus dem Besitz der Deutschen Staatsbibliothek Berlin. Mit Nachwort herausgegeben von Georg Knepler.

Musikwissenschaftliche Studienbibliothek Peters. Leipzig, 1979. Oblong, 32 x 25 cm, 270 + 24, ix pp. (Rpt. of Berlin, 1943 edition). Halftone of the autograph score including tipped-in 24 page score of the “Romanze ed aria”, No. 13. Does not include the extra illustrations of the 1943 edition. Linen. Special sale price $150, regularly $283 [item no.668]

WEILL, Kurt, 1900-1950

[Marz, Henry] Kurt Weill and Lotte Lenya. Library and Museum of the Performing Arts at Lincoln Center and the Goethe House New York.

New York, 1976. 18 x 28 cm, 88 pp. Special exhibition catalog produced on the occasion of Weil’s 75th birthday, but equally devoted to Lotte Lenya. Numerous color & B/W illustrations of sets from operas, drawings, photographs, as well as 11 pages of musical mss from songs and operas in facsimile. 12 literary contributions by persons close to Brecht or Lenya, including Leonard Bernstein and Rex Reed. Worklist and chronology for both artists. Wrappers. Special sale price $5, regularly $18 [item no.1593]

WIECK, Friedrich, 1785-1873

Clavier und Gesang. Didaktisches und Polemisches.

Facsimile Series, V/1. Peer, 1995. 15 x 22 cm, 152 pp. Line-cut of the Leipzig, 1853 edition. Popular manual consisting of critical, polemical, satirical and novel-like texts. Afterword by Greta Haenen. Wrappers. Special sale price $10, regularly $28 [item no.7156]

WIEL, Taddeo, 1849-1920

I teatri musicali veneziani del settecento. [Catalogo delle opere in musica rappresentate nel secolo XVIII in Venezia (1701-1800) con prefazione dell’autore]. Mit einem Nachwort von Reinhard Strohm.

Musikwissenschaftliche Studienbibliothek Peters. Leipzig, 1979. 15 x 22 cm, 696, 48 pp. Line-cut of the Venice, 1897 edition. Afterword in Ger/It. New index. Cloth. Special sale price $35, regularly $85 [item no.4714]


[Album, Marie von Sayn-Wittgenstein] Das Album der Prinzessen Marie von Sayn-Wittgenstein.

Patrimonia, 179. Berlin, 2000. 21 x 27 cm, 48 pp. Reproduces, in color, 10 pages from the exquisite Album of Princess Marie von Sayn-Wittgenstein, whose family was a great patron of the arts. The album comprises material dating from 1847 to 1859 and includes autographs on presentation paper by Liszt, Berlioz, Rubinstein, Wagner, Smetana, Cornelius, Draeseke, Séroff and Joachim. Comprehensive notes (in Ger) by Mária Eckhardt. Wrappers. Special sale price $10, regularly $20 (more info... ) [item no.8151]

[Bologna, Bibl. Univ., 2216] Il codice musicale 2216 della Biblioteca Universitaria di Bologna a cura di F. Alberto Gallo. Seconda parte.

Monumenta Lyrica Medii Aevi Italica, III/3.2. Bologna, 1970. 22 x 27 cm, 109 pp. Commentary volume to the now out-of-print facsimile edition. Wrappers. Special sale price, $10, regularly $35 [item no.1432]

Democratic Souvenirs: An Historical Anthology of 19th-Century American Music Selected, with Introduction and Commentary, by Richard Jackson Head, Americana Collection, Music Division the New York Public Library Foreword by Virgil Thomson.

The Americana Collection Music Series, 3. New York, 1988. 4°, xvi, 336 pp. 10 songs; 7 piano pieces; 8 pieces of theatrical music; 8 pieces of choral music; 2 pieces of chamber music; and 2 pieces of orchestral music reproduced from the originals. Wrappers. Special sale price $10, regularly $20 [item no.9717]

[Dobney, Jayson Kerr] Guitar Heroes: Legendary Craftsmen from Italy to New York. Jayson Kerr Dobney.

The Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin, Winter 2011. New York, 2011. 50 pp. Illustrated exhibition catalog with 70 color illustrations. Wrappers. Special sale price $15, regularly $25 (more info... ) [item no.9227]

(Gallo, F. Alberto & Giuseppe Vecchi) I più antichi monumenti sacri Italiani a cura di F. Alberto Gallo e Giuseppe Vecchi.

Monumenta Lyrica Medii Aevi Italica, III.1. Bologna, 1968. 24 x 34 cm, xxii, 151 pp. Halftones from a large number of Italian mss and fragments from the ars antiqua and ars nova periods. Inventory. Wrappers. Special sale price, $35, regularly $72 [item no.1488]

Kelly, Thomas Forrest. Les témoins manuscrits du chant Bénéventain.

Paléographie Musicale, I/21. Solesmes, 1992. 25 x 33 cm, 451, with 330 pp. The first new volume from the series Paléographie Musicale after a pause of ten years. Kelly’s long awaited study on the Beneventan sources, including halftone reproductions from mss Baltimore W6; Cologny, Bod. 74; Benevento 35; Lucca 606, Vat. Reg. 334; Zadar, Ord. 38; Rome, Vall. C 9; and Vat. lat. 10657. Wrappers. Special sale price $25, regularly $118 [item no.4630]

[Rostock, Universitätsbibl. Phil. 100/2] Rostock Liederbuch: Niederdeutsche Handschrift des 15. Jahrhunderts aus dem Bestand der Universitätsbibliothek Rostock; Das Rostocker Liederbuch nach den Fragmenten der Handschrift neu herausgegeben von F. Ranke & J.M. Müller (1927).

[=Schriften der Königsberger gelehrten Gesellschaft, 4]. Leipzig, 1987. 17 x 24, Oblong, 23 x 15 cm, 113, 5; 44 pp. 2-color halftone of the c.1475 songbook. Includes 27 monophonic pieces and 2 a2. Forms 6 concordances with the “Lochaimer Liederbuch”. Together with a reprint of the important study by Ranke and Müller-Blattau (Halle, 1927). Cloth. Special sale price $25, regularly $64 (more info... ) [item no.1757]

Staehelin, Martin. Conductus-Fragmente aus einer Notre-Dame-Handschrift in Frankfurt a.M.

Nachrichten der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Göttingen, I. Philologisch-historische Klasse, Jahrgang 1987, Nr. 8. Göttingen, 1987. 8º, 10, 18 pp. Halftone of an important newly discovered Notre Dame fragment transmitting 2-voice conductus. Wrappers. Special sale price $4, regularly $15 [item no.1430]

[Tübingen, Musikbibl., Wilhelmsstift, various fragments] Psallite sapienter. Fragmente liturgischer Handschriften aus der Bibliothek des Wilhelmsstiftes Tübingen, herausgegeben von Stephan Klöckner. Band 2.

Quellen und Schriften, 5.1. Trochtelfingen-Wilsingen, 1995. 4º, 110 pp. (Codicological descriptions to vol.1). Wrappers. Special sale price $15, regularly $40 [item no.5824]

[Vatican, Bibl. Apost., Rossi 215] Il canzoniere musicale del codice Vaticano Rossi 215, con uno studio sulla melica italiana del trecento, a cura di Giuseppe Vecchi.

Monumenta Lyrica Medii Aevi Italica, III/2. Bologna, 1966. 24 x 34 cm, 5, 36 pp. Halftone of the oldest known source of secular trecento music, copied in the environs of Padua-Verona around 1350. Belonged in the 19th c. to the bibliophile G.F. de Rossi, whose name it now takes. Contains 37 pieces, mostly for two-voices and in madrigal style. Wrappers. Special sale price, $10, regularly $22 [item no.1489]

[Venice, Abbazia di S. Giorgio] Da un codice italiano di mottetti del primo trecento [a cura di] F. Alberto Gallo.

Biblioteca di “Quadrivium”, Serie Paleografica, 13. Bologna, 1969. 8º, 30 pp. Halftone. 14th- c. fragment with 2 motets, Ave corpus sanctum and Decus in seraphici (incomplete). With commentary and practical edition of Ave corpus. Wrappers. Special sale price, $5, regularly $13 [item no.5040]

[Washington, D.C., Library of Congress, ML 171 J 6] Polifonia quattrocentesca italiana nel codice Washington, Library of Congress, ML 171 J 6 [a cura di] Giulio Cattin.

Biblioteca di “Quadrivium”, Serie Musicologica, 11. Bologna, 1970. 8º, 16, 5 pp. Line-cut of the musical portion of a ms copied c.1465 in a northern Italian Benedictine monastery by “Johannes Franciscus de Papia” (the ms also contains theoretical works by Marchetus, Joh. de Muris, Hotby and others). Contains seven settings a2 and two a1. Wrappers. Special sale price, $5, regularly $16 [item no.4006]


Bach, J.S. Pièce d’orgue BWV 572. Version originale d’après le manuscrit de J.G. Walther. Publiée par Kenneth Gilbert.

Le Grand Clavier, XIII. Monaco, 1993. 4º, xii, 10 pp. Wrappers. Special sale price $10, regularly $25 [item no.5596]

Boccherini, Luigi. Stabat mater a tre voci.

Bibliotheca Musica Bononiensis, IV/226. Bologna, 1979. 8º, xxviii, 80 pp. (Rpt. of Florence, 1877 edition). Modern edition of the full score. Wrappers. Special sale print $10, regularly $24 [item no.3998]

Bottegari, Cosimo. Il libro di canto e liuto.

Bibliotheca Musica Bononiensis, V/17. Bologna, 1978. 8º, 190 pp. (Rpt. of 1898 edition). Modern edition of canzoni and canzonette of the celebrated Florentine lutenist/singer Cosimo Bottegari (16-17th c.). Introduction by L.F. Valdrighi. Includes 12 published documents concerning the musician’s life. Wrappers. (no music). Special sale print $10, regularly $30 [item no.5391]

Bréhy, Petrus Hercules. Motetten (Selectie) / Motets (Selection). Ediderit Lewis R. Baratz.

Monumenta Flandriae Musica, 6. Peer, 2002. 4º, xl, 72 pp. New critical edition. Selection of 5 motets setting for SATB, strings, bc. (Te deum laudamus, De profundis, Libera me domine, Isti sunt triumphatores, O salutaris hostia). Hardbound. Special sale price $25, regularly $70 [item no.6428]

Buxtehude, Dietrich. Keyboard Works, Part 3. Preludes, Toccatas, Fugues, and Canzonas for Organ (manualiter), Harpsichord, or Clavichord. Editions by Christoph Wolff.

Dietrich Buxtehude, The Collected Works, 17. New York, 2016. 4˚, xxvi, 128 pp. Hardbound. Special sale price$25 eff. 7/15/23, regularly $140 [item no.6799]

Cavaccio, Giovanni. Magnificat omnitonum, liber primus (1581), a cura di F. Haberl.

Monumenta Lombarda, B/1. Milan, 1965. 4º, vi, 53 pp. Modern edition with preface. Wrappers. Special sale price, $5, regularly $25 [item no.1319]

Chambonnières, Jacques Champion de. Pavane “l’Entretien des dieux”. Edited by Davitt Moroney.

Monaco, 198?. 4º, 4 pp. Wrappers. Special sale price $5, regularly $10 [item no.5540]

[Chanson] Anthologie de la chanson parisienne au XVIe siècle. Réunie par François Lesure, avec la collaboration de N. Bridgman, I. Cazeaux, M. Levin, K.J. Levy et D.P. Walker.

Monaco, 1979. 4º, 156 pp. Contains 48 chansons for 4, 5, 6 and 7 voices by Boyvin, Certon, Costeley, du Caurroy, Goudimel, Janequin, Le Jeune, Sermisy and others. Wrappers. Special sale price $30, regularly $54 [item no.5450]

[Chilesotti, Oscar] Lautenspieler des XVI. Jahrhunderts. [Liutisti del cinquecento.] Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis des Ursprungs der modernen Tonkunst von Oscar Chilesotti.

Bibliotheca Musica Bononiensis, IV/31. Bologna, 2/ 1976. Oblong, 25 x 17 cm, xvii, 248 pp. (Rpt. of 1891 edition). Modern edition of 137 pieces for lute by Newsidler, Matelart, Gorzanis, Da Milano, Galilei, Barbetta, Fallamero, Terzi, Molinaro, Besard, and many others. Preface in Ital-Ger. Laid paper. Cloth. Special sale print $40, regularly $98 [item no.5377]

[Chilesotti, Oscar] Musica del passato (da intavolature antiche).

Bibliotheca Musica Bononiensis, IV/29. Bologna, 1968. 17 x 25 cm, 28 pp. (Rpt. of Ricordi, c.1890 edition). Modern edition for keyboard of 14 lute intabulations from the 16th c., including works by Newsidler, Da Milano, Rossetto, Corbetta, Visée, Roncalli and Weiss. Hardbound. Special sale print $5, regularly $21 [item no.5375]

Couperin, François (collected works edition) Pièces de clavecin – 1. Publiées par Maurice Cauchie et revues d’après les sources par Kenneth Gilbert.

François Couperin: Œuvres Complètes, II/1. Monaco, 1980. 4º, 168 pp. Wrappers. Special sale price $40, regularly $80 [item no.5452]

Couperin, François (collected works edition) Pièces de clavecin – 2. Publiées par Maurice Cauchie et revues d’après les sources par Kenneth Gilbert.

François Couperin: Œuvres Complètes, II/2. Monaco, 1981. 4º, 162 pp. Wrappers. Special sale price $40, regularly $80 [item no.5453]

Couperin, François (collected works edition) Pièces de clavecin – 3. Publiées par Maurice Cauchie et revues d’après les sources par Kenneth Gilbert.

François Couperin: Œuvres Complètes, II/3. Monaco, 1982. 4º, 132 pp. Wrappers. Special sale price $40, regularly $80 [item no.5454]

Couperin, François (collected works edition) Pièces de clavecin – 4. Publiées par Maurice Cauchie et revues d’après les sources par by Kenneth Gilbert.

François Couperin: Œuvres Complètes, II/4. Monaco, 1982. 4º, 152 pp. Wrappers. Special sale price $40, regularly $80 [item no.5455]

Couperin, François (collected works edition) Pièces de clavecin – 1-4. Publiées par Maurice Cauchie et revues d’après les sources par Kenneth Gilbert.

François Couperin: Œuvres Complètes, II/1-4. Monaco, 1980-82. 4º, 614 pp. Wrappers. Special sale price $40, regularly $276 [item no.5456]

Couperin, François (collected works edition) Pièces d’orgue. Publiées par Paul Brunold et revues d’après les sources par Kenneth Gilbert et Davitt Moroney.

François Couperin: Œuvres Complètes, III. Monaco, 1982. 4º, 120 pp. Wrappers. Special sale price $30, regularly $62 [item no.5545]

Couperin, François (collected works edition) Musique de chambre – 1. Concerts royaux. Publiés par André Schaeffner et revues d’après les sources par Kenneth Gilbert.

François Couperin: Œuvres Complètes, IV/1. Monaco, 1980. 4º, 72 pp. Wrappers. Special sale price $25, regularly $51 [item no.5546]

Couperin, François (collected works edition) Musique de chambre – 2. Les goûts-réünis. Publiés par André Schaeffner et revus d’après les sources par Kenneth Gilbert et Davitt Moroney.

François Couperin: Œuvres Complètes, IV/2. Monaco, 1988. 4º, 148 pp. Wrappers. Special sale price $55, regularly $105 [item no.5547]

Couperin, François (collected works edition) Musique de chambre – 4. Apothéose de Corelli; Apothéose de Lully; Pièces de violes; Sonades inédites. Publiées par Amédée Gastoué et revues d’après les sources par Kenneth Gilbert et Davitt Moroney.

François Couperin: Œuvres Complètes, IV/4. Monaco, 1992. 4º, 214, with 48 pp. Wrappers. Special sale price $60, regularly $124 [item no.5549]

Couperin, François (collected works edition) Musique de chambre – 1-4.

François Couperin: Œuvres Complètes, IV/1-4. Monaco, 1992. 4º, 214, with 48 pp. Wrappers. Special sale price $200, regularly $370 [item no.5564]

Couperin, François (collected works edition) Musique de vocale – 2. Leçons de ténèbres; Élévations et motets divers. Publiés par Paul Brunold et revus d’après les sources par Kenneth Gilbert et Davitt Moroney.

François Couperin: Œuvres Complètes, V/2. Monaco, 1985. 4º, 181 pp. Wrappers. Special sale price $55, regularly $105 [item no.5562]

Couperin, François (collected works edition) Musique de vocale – 3. Douze motets divers. Publiés par Kenneth Gilbert, Davitt Moroney, Orhan Memed.

François Couperin: Œuvres Complètes, V/3. Monaco, [1996]. 4º, 210 pp. Wrappers. Special sale price $65, regularly $127 [item no.5881]

Couperin, François. Anthology of Harpsichord Works, taken from the “Pièces de Clavecin”.

Monaco, 198?. 4º, 48 pp. 20 pieces graded in order of difficulty and including a preface. Wrappers. Special sale price $10, regularly $28 [item no.5543]

Couperin, François. 8 préludes, allemande (“L’art de toucher le clavecin”).

Monaco, 1988. 4º, 16 pp. Wrappers. Special sale price $5, regularly $17 [item no.5544]

Duphly, Jacques. Pièces de clavecin avec violon (1756). Publiées par Olivier Baumont.

Le Grand Clavier, III. Monaco, 1990. 4º, x, 63 pp. Wrappers. Special sale price $25, regularly $55 [item no.5532]

Février, Pierre. Pièces de clavecin (1734). Édition de Edward Smith.

Le Grand Clavier, XI. Monaco, 1996. 4º, xiii, 48 pp. Preface in Fr-Eng. Wrappers. Special sale price $20, regularly $44 [item no.5890]

Flori, Jacobus. Motetten en Nederlandse Polyfone Liederen / Motets and Dutch Polyphonic Songs. Leuven, 1573. Ediderunt Nele Gabriëls, Eugeen Schreurs, Maartie de Wilde, Hubert Meeus, Piet Stryckers, Demmy Verbeke.

Monumenta Flandriae Musica, 11. Peer, 2006. 4º, 139 pp. New critical edition. Collection of 24 songs for 3 voices. Hardbound. Special sale price $30, regularly $98 [item no.6640]

Franck, César. L’organiste. Recueil de pièces pour orgue ou harmonium.

Bibliotheca Musica Bononiensis, IV/62. Bologna, 1979. 21 x 31 cm, 117 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1889 edition. Collection of 59 pieces arranged by key groupings. Wrappers. Special sale print $10, regularly $30 [item no.5412]

Froberger, Johann Jacob 2 Motets. Alleluia absorpta set mors; Apparuerunt apostolis. Publiés par Yves Ruggeri.

Monaco, 1990. 4º, ix, 34 pp. Wrappers. Special sale price $10, regularly $35 [item no.5595]

Gabucci, Giulio Cesare. Defecit gaudium motectum octonis vocibus decantandum (1589), prodit curante Ioseph Vecchi.

Monumenta Lombarda Excerpta, 1. Milan, 1964. 4º, i, 6 pp. Modern edition with preface. Wrappers. Special sale price, 15, regularly $11 [item no.1322]

Grossi da Viadana, Lodovico. Canzonette a tre voci (1594), a cura di G. Vecchi.

Monumenta Lombarda, A/1. Milan, 1965. 4º, x, 29 pp. Modern edition with preface. Wrappers. Special sale price, $5, regularly $16 [item no.5196]

Hacquart, Carel & Dirck Buysero. De Triomfeerende Min / Love Triumphant. A Play of Peace, Incorporating Songs and Music for Strings, Flyers and Ballets, 1680. Dirck Buysero & Carel Hacquart. Edidit: Pieter Andriessen & Tom Strengers.

Monumenta Flandriae Musica, 1. Peer, 1996. 4º, c.130 pp. New critical edition of a play with music written on the occasion of the signing of the Treaty of Nijmegen, bringing an end to a war beginning in 1672, pitting the Republic of the United Netherlands and its allies against France and its allies. Hardbound. Special sale price $25, regularly $42 [item no.5965]

Hardel, Jacques. Pièces de clavecin. Publiées par Denis Herlin.

Le Grand Clavier, 5. Monaco, 1991. 4º, xvi, 20 pp. Wrappers. Special sale price $20, regularly $44 [item no.5550]

Harpsichord Music of the Southern Low Countries. Three Manuscripts from the National Archives in Antwerp: Arendonk, Dimpna Isabella and Maria Therese Reijnders. 17th Century. Ediderunt Godelieve Spiessens & Irène Cornelis.

Monumenta Flandriae Musica, 4. Peer, 1998. 4º, lvi, 111 pp. Special sale price $25, regularly $56 [item no.6195]

Intavolatura per liuto e tiorba di anonimo. Ms. Pesaro, Cons. G. Rossini, b 14/7346. Testo originale e trascrizione a cura di Ivano Cavalini.

Monumenta Testudinea, 2. Bologna, 1979. 4º, xvii, 41 pp. Modern edition in Italian lute tablature and staff notation. 21 compositions, 12 for lute and 9 for tiorba. Wrappers. Special sale price, $10, regularly $22 [item no.5204]

Janequin, Clément. Complete Chansons. I: Chansons 1-17. Edited by A. Tillman and François Lesure.

Monaco, 1983. 4º, 196 pp. Wrappers. Special sale price $25, regularly $69 [item no.5442]

Janequin, Clément. Complete Chansons. II: Chansons 18-73. Edited by A. Tillman and François Lesure.

Monaco, 1983. 4º, 246 pp. Wrappers. Special sale price $25, regularly $69 [item no.5443]

Janequin, Clément. Complete Chansons. III: Chansons 74-114. Edited by A. Tillman and François Lesure.

Monaco, 1983. 4º, 228 pp. Wrappers. Special sale price $25, regularly $69 [item no.5444]

Janequin, Clément. Complete Chansons. IV: Chansons 115-170. Edited by A. Tillman and François Lesure.

Monaco, 1983. 4º, 220 pp. Wrappers. Special sale price $25, regularly $69 [item no.5445]

Janequin, Clément. Complete Chansons. V: Chansons 171-219. Edited by A. Tillman and François Lesure.

Monaco, 1983. 4º, 216 pp. Wrappers. Special sale price $25, regularly $69 [item no.5446]

Janequin, Clément. Complete Chansons. VI: Chansons 220-254. Edited by A. Tillman and François Lesure.

Monaco, 1983. 4º, 204 pp. Wrappers. Special sale price $25, regularly $69 [item no.5447]

Janequin, Clément. Complete Chansons (6 Volumes, 254 Chansons). Edited by A. Tillman and François Lesure.

Monaco, 1983. 4º, 6 vols, 1310 pp. Wrappers. Special sale price $175, regularly $345 [item no.5448]

[Magnus liber organi (new critical edition)] Les organa à deux voix pour la messe (de noël à la fête de Saint-Pierre et Saint-Paul) du manuscrit de Florence, Biblioteca Medicea-Laurenziana, plut. 29.1. Édition établie par Mark Everist.

Le Magnus Liber Organi de Notre-Dame de Paris, III. Monaco, 2001. 4º, xxix, 258 pp. Critical edition of the 2-voice Notre Dame organa for the Mass (part 1) from Ms Florence plut. 29.1. Cloth. Special sale price $225, regularly $475 [item no.5826]

Marais, Marin (new edition of instr. works) Pièces à une et deux violes (1686-89). Edited by John Hsu.

Marin Marais, The Instrumental Works, 1. New York. 1980. 4°, xxvii, 191 pp. Cloth. Special sale price $18 eff. 7/15/23, regularly $158 [item no.5967]

Marais, Marin (new edition of instr. works) Pièces de violes, second livre (1701). Edited by John Hsu.

Marin Marais, The Instrumental Works, 2. New York. Cloth. Special sale price $18 eff. 7/15/23, regularly $158 [item no.5968]

Marais, Marin (new edition of instr. works) Pièces de violes, troisième livre (1711). Edited by John Hsu.

Marin Marais, The Instrumental Works, 3. New York. 1996 4°, xxii, 193 pp. Cloth. Special sale price $18 eff. 7/15/23, regularly $158 [item no.5969]

Marais, Marin (new edition of instr. works) Pièces à une et à trois violes. Quatrième livre (1717). Edited by John Hsu.

Marin Marais, The Instrumental Works, 4. New York, 1998. 4º, xxi, 197 pp. Cloth. Special sale price $18 eff. 7/15/23, regularly $158 [item no.6287]

Marais, Marin (new edition of instr. works) Pièces de viole. Cinquième livre (1725). Edited by John Hsu.

Marin Marais, The Instrumental Works, 5. New York, 2000. 4º, xxii, 199 pp. Cloth. Special sale price $18 eff. 7/15/23, regularly $158 [item no.6061]

Marais, Marin (new edition of instr. works) Pièces en trio pour les flûtes, violon & dessus de viole (1692). Edited by John Hsu.

Marin Marais, The Instrumental Works, 6. New York, 2001. 4º, xvii, 153 pp. Cloth. Special sale price $18 eff. 7/15/23, regularly $158 [item no.6319]

Marais, Marin (new edition of instr. works) La gamme et autres morceaux de simphonie pour le violon, la viole et le claveçin (1723). Unpublished Pieces from the Panmure Manuscripts. Edited by John Hsu.

Marin Marais, The Instrumental Works, 7. New York, 2002. 4º, xxii, 154 pp. Cloth. Special sale price $18 eff. 7/15/23, regularly $158 [item no.6391]

Muziek uit de Collegiale Kerk van Tongeren, ca.1300-1600. / Music from the Collegiate Church in Tongeren. Ediderit: Eugeen Schreurs.

Monumenta Flandriae Musica, 3. Peer, 2000. 4º, l, 98 pp. Modern edition of a selection of ten works from composer’s associated with the Tongeren Collegiate Church of Our Lady. Includes five anonymous works from the 14-16th centuries and works by Johannes Rondelli, Nicolaus Geszin, D. Curingen, & Hubertus Naich. Hardbound. Special sale price $40, regularly $74 [item no.6334]

Musicorum collegio. Six 14th-Century Musicians’ Motets. Edited by Frank Ll. Harrison, with a New Introduction and Notes on Performance.

Monaco. 4º, 52 pp. Wrappers. Special sale price $20, regularly $48 [item no.5420]

Philippe de Vitry. Complete Works. Edited by L. Schrade, with a New Introduction and Notes on Performance by Edward H. Roesner.

Monaco, 1984. 4º, 64 pp. Wrappers. Special sale price $20, regularly $51 [item no.5421]

Polyphonic Music of the Fourteenth Century. [Edited by Leo Schrade, Frank Ll. Harrison, W. Thomas Marrocco, Kurt von Fischer, F. Alberto Gallo, Peter M. Lefferts, Gordon K. Greene, Giulio Cattin, Francesco Facchin, Maria Carmen Gómez, Margaret Bent & Anne Hallmark].

Monaco, 1956-1992. 4º, 25 vols. This important series, now just complete after 30 years of work, contains the corpus of 14th-c. polyphony–nearly 2500 pieces–and is an indispensable collection for all students and performers. Linen. Special sale price $1500, regularly $2995 [item no.5441]

Stefani, Giovanni. Affetti amorosi di Giovanni Stefani.

Bibliotheca Musica Bononiensis, IV/24. Bologna, 1969. 8º, 70 pp. (Rpt. of Ricordi, c.1890 edition). Modern edition in score--voice, guitar & bass--of 32 numbers. Includes 5 pages in facsimile from the original 1621 edition. Hardbound. Special sale print $5, regularly $18 [item no.5370]

Tosi, Pier Francesco. Opinioni de’cantori antichi e moderni di Pier Francesco Tosi con note ed esempi di Luigi Leonesi.

Bibliotheca Musica Bononiensis, II/50. Bologna, 2/ 1985. 8º, 140 pp. (Rpt. of Naples, 1904 edition). New edition of the Tosi original, with added material. Wrappers. Last copy. Special sale print $10, regularly $35 [item no.5306]

[Trios, wind] D. Milhaud: Suite d’après Corrette, op.161 (1937); H. Sauguet: Trio (1946); J. Canteloube: Rustiques (1946).

Monaco. 4º, 3 parts, 80 pp. Scored for oboe, clarinet & bassoon. Portfolio. Special sale price $25, regularly $55 [item no.5551]

[Trios, wind] J. Ibert: Cinq pièces en trio (1935); G. Auric: Trio (1938); H. Barraud: Trio (1935); Daniel-Lesur: Suite (1939).

Monaco. 4º, 3 parts, 100 pp. Scored for oboe, clarinet & bassoon. Portfolio. Special sale price $25, regularly $55 [item no.5552]

[Trios, wind] Mozart: Cinq divertissements K.439. Transcription par Fernand Oubradous.

Monaco. 4º, 3 parts, 96 pp. Scored for oboe, clarinet & bassoon. Portfolio. Special sale price $25, regularly $55 [item no.5553]

Utendal, Alexander. Motetten / Motets. Ediderit Ignace Bossuyt.

Monumenta Flandriae Musica, 5. Peer, 1999. 4º, lvi, 137 pp. New critical edition. Hardbound. Special sale price $25, regularly $48 [item no.6274]

Vanden Gheyn, Matthias. Preludia voor Beiaard / Preludes for Carillon. Ediderunt Gilbert Huybens & Luc Rombouts.

Monumenta Flandriae Musica, 2. Peer, 1997. 4º, 2 vols, xlv, 49, 30 pp. Critical edition of eleven preludes for carillon plus line-cut reproduction of the manuscript acquired by the Louvain University Archives in 1995. Introduction in Flem-Eng. Hardbound. Special sale price $25, regularly $65 [item no.6109]

Vecchi, Orazio. L’Amfiparnaso. Il testo letterario e il testo musicale. A cura di Renzo Bez.

Bibliotheca Musica Bononiensis, IV/100. Bologna, 2007. 4°, 50, 94 pp. New critical edition (score) of the musical comedy printed by Orazio Vecchi in 1597. This polyphonic masterpiece owes part of its success over the centuries to its attempt to unite the two Parnassus’s, that of music and that of comic poetry, to which the allegorical title (”double Parnassus”) explicitly alludes. Wrappers. Special sale print $30, regularly $63 [item no.8825]


Alario, Leonardo R. Canti narrativi in Calabria. Nuove lezioni registrate a Cassano Jonio (Cosenza). Prefazione di Luigi M. Lombardi Satriani.

Tradizioni Musicali, 7. Bologna, 1990. 8º, 160, 11 illus pp. Wrappers. Special sale print $5, regularly $26 [item no.5404]

Alfieri, Edera. La cappella musicale di Loreto dalle origini a Costanzo Porta (1507-1574).

Biblioteca di “Quadrivium”, Note d’Archivio: Bibliografica, Biografia e Storia, 1. Bologna, 1970. 8º, 136 pp. Detailed documentary study of musical life in Loreto. Wrappers. Special sale price, $10, regularly $32 [item no.5022]

Baroni, Mario. Il declino del patriarca. Verdi e le contraddizioni della famiglia borghese.

Biblioteca Storico Giuridica e Artistico Letteraria: Letteratura Musica Teatro, 73 (= Studi e Testi Verdiani, 3). Bologna, 1979. 8º, 160 pp. Wrappers. Special sale price, $5, regularly $23 [item no.5133]

Bassi, Adriano. La musica in Lombardia nel 1700. Salotti, teatri, associazioni.

Tradizioni Musicali, 12. Bologna, 1992. 8º, 216, 12 illus pp. Wrappers. Special sale print $10, regularly $41 [item no.5579]

Bertolotti, Antonino. Musici alla Corte dei Gonzaga in Mantova dal secolo XV al XVIII. Notizie e documenti raccolti negli Archivi Mantovani.

Bibliotheca Musica Bononiensis, III/17. Bologna, 2/ 1978. 4º, 130 pp. Thorough documentary study of musical life in Mantova from the 15th to the 18th century. Wrappers. Special sale print $10, regularly $33 [item no.5323]

Bono, Marcello. La ghironda. Storia, repertorio, tecnica esecutiva e costruzione. Prefazione di Gerardo Parrinello.

Tradizioni Musicali, 5. Bologna, 1989. 8º, 216, 8 illus pp. Wrappers. Special sale print $10, regularly $39 [item no.5402]

Bonora, Alfredo & Emilio Giani. Città di Bologna, Biblioteca della R. Accademia Filarmonica, Biblioteca Privata Ambrosini, Archivio e Museo della Basilica di S. Petronio. Catalogo delle opere musicali.

Bibliotheca Musica Bononiensis, I/22. Bologna, 1989. 8º, 159 pp. (Rpt. of Parma, 1939 edition). Wrappers. Special sale print $10, regularly $38 [item no.5301]

Borghi, Gian Paolo & Giorgio Vezzani. C’era una volta un “Treppo”. . . Cantastorie e poeti popolari in Italia Settentrionale dalla fine dell’ottocento agli anni ottanta. Vol.1.

Tradizioni Musicali, 2. Bologna, 1988. 8º, 240, 35 illus pp. Contributions by Lorenzo De Antiquis, Marino Piazza and Romeo Zammarchi. Musical transcriptions by Giorgio Vacchi and photography by Giorio Vezzani. Wrappers. Special sale print $20, regularly $44 [item no.5399]

Borghi, Gian Paolo & Giorgio Vezzani. C’era una volta un “Treppo”. . . Cantastorie e poeti popolari in Italia Settentrionale dalla fine dell’ottocento agli anni ottanta. Vol.2.

Tradizioni Musicali, 4. Bologna, 1988. 8º, 316, 49 illus pp. Contributions by Franco Castelli, Giuseppina Colmo, Daniela Grassi, Aidano Schmuckher. Musical transcriptions by Giorgio Vacchi and photography by Giorgio Vezzani. Wrappers. Special sale print $20, regularly $56 [item no.5400]

Brondi, Maria Rita. Il liuto e la chitarra. Ricerche storiche sulla loro origine e sul loro sviluppo.

Bibliotheca Musica Bononiensis, IV/70. Bologna, 1979. 16 x 22 cm, xii, 170 pp. (Rpt. of Turin, 1926 edition). Cloth. Special sale print $15, regularly $44 [item no.5408]

Cahiers Debussy, nouvelle série. No.1 – 1977.

Paris. 1978. 8º, 56 pp. James R. McKay, The Bréval Manuscript : new interpretations. - Roy Howat, A thirteenth Étude of 1915 : The original version of Pour les Arpèges composés. - Anik Devriès, Les musiques d’Extrême-Orient à l’Exposition Universelle de 1889. - Éléments de la bibliothèque de Debussy dans la vente de 1933. - Chronique : Pelléas et Mélisande en France et en Italie. La Chute de la Maison Usher à l’Université de Yale. - Concours international de piano C. Debussy (Saint-Germain-en-Laye). - Debussy en Pologne 1976. - Debussy in Texas. - Bibliographie. - Thèses en cours. Wrappers. Special sale price $5, regularly $20 [item no.5493]

Cahiers Debussy, nouvelle série. No.2 – 1978.

Paris. 1979. 8º, 72 pp. Mme Gérard de Romilly, Debussy professeur, par une de ses élèves (1898-1908). - Myriam Chimènes, Les vicissitudes de Khamma. - Denis François Rauss, Ce terrible finale. Les sources manuscrites de la sonate pour violon et piano de Claude Debussy et la genèse du troisième mouvement. - Chronique : Réprésentations de Pelléas et Mélisande à Paris, Strasbourg, Bruxelles, Tokyo et New York. - La Chute de la Maison Usher (suite). - Concours Debussy à Saint-Germain-en-Laye. - Bibliographie. - Thèses. - Discographie. Wrappers. Special sale price $5, regularly $20 [item no.5494]

Cahiers Debussy, nouvelle série. No.3 – 1979.

Paris. 1980. 8º, 56 pp. Stefan Jarocinsky, Debussy et le Groupe des Six. - Jean-Michel Nectoux, Debussy et Fauré. - Charles Rosen, Where Ravel ends and Debussy begins. - Paul Jacobs, On playing the piano music of Debussy. - Chronique. - Debussy in Minneapolis. - Bibliographie. - Thèses. - Éditions. - Discographie. Wrappers. Special sale price $5, regularly $20 [item no.5495]

Cahiers Debussy, nouvelle série. No.4-5 – 1980-1981.

Paris. 1982. 8º, 75 pp. Richard Langham Smith, La genèse de La Damoiselle élue. - Eiko Kasaba, Le Martyre de Saint-Sébastien : étude sur sa genèse. - Roland Nadeau, Brouillards : a tonal music. - François Lesure, Quatre lettres de René Chansarel à Debussy (1889). - Arthur B. Wenk, A Debussy meeting at Denver. - Deux documents (F. L.) - Chronique. - Nécrologie : S. Jarocinsky, A. Schaeffner, M. Dietschy. - Bibliographie. - Discographie. Wrappers. Special sale price $5, regularly $35 [item no.5496]

Cahiers Debussy, nouvelle série. No.6 – 1982.

Paris. 1983. 8º, 47 pp. François Lesure, Les œuvres complètes de Claude Debussy. - Thomas Warburton, Bitonal Miniatures by Debussy from 1913. - Claudia Maurer Zenck, Debussy : Prophet and Seducer. - Michael L. Friedmann, Approaching Debussy’s Ondine. - François Lesure, Le jeune Prix de Rome de Catulle Mendès. - Chronique. - Arthur Wenk, Claude Debussy and twentieth century music. -James R. Briscoe, Debussy at Butler University. - Roy Howat, English national Opera’s Pelléas et Mélisande at London Coliseum. - Bibliographie. Wrappers. Special sale price $5, regularly $20 [item no.5497]

Cahiers Debussy, nouvelle série. No.7 – 1983.

Paris. 1984. 8º, 64 pp. Charles Kœchlin, Souvenirs sur Debussy. - Roy Howat, Dramatic shape in Jeux de vagues, and its relationship to Pelléas, Jeux and other scores. - José Eduardo Martins, Quelques aspects comparatifs dans les langages pianistiques de Debussy et Scriabine. - Judith Shatin Allen, Tonal allusion and illusion : Debussy’s Sonata for flute, viola and harp. -Chronique. - Bibliographie. - Discographie. Wrappers. Special sale price $5, regularly $35 [item no.5498]

Cahiers Debussy, nouvelle série. No.8 – 1984.

Paris. 1985. 8º, 51 pp. François Lesure, Debussy, le Symbolisme et les arts plastiques. - Lawrence Starr, The "modern" composer, the conservative audience… and Debussy. - Elke Lange-Becker, Aspekte der Debussy-Rezeption in Deutschland zu Lebzeiten des Komponiste. - Chronique : Omaggio a Claude Debussy, Prix de Rome 1884. - Bibliographie. - Discographie. Wrappers. Special sale price $5, regularly $35 [item no.5499]

Cahiers Debussy, nouvelle série. No.9 – 1985.

Paris. 1986. 8º, 43 pp. José-Eduardo Martins, La vision de l’univers enfantin chez Moussorgsky et Debussy. - David A. Grayson, Debussy and the Opera House : an unpublished letter concerning Yniold and Mélisande. - Chronique. - Bibliographie. - Discographie. Wrappers. Special sale price $5, regularly $35 [item no.5500]

Cahiers Debussy, nouvelle série. No.10 – 1986.

Paris. 1987. 8º, 57 pp. Pierre Guillot, Claude Debussy et Déodat de Séverac. - François Lesure, Crime d’amour et Fêtes galantes. Un projet Verlainien de Debussy (1912-1915). - Margaret G. Cobb, The several versions of œTrois mélodies de Claude Debussy”. - Eiko Kasaba, La musique de Debussy au Japon. - Chronique. - Bibliographie. - Discographie. Wrappers. Special sale price $5, regularly $35 [item no.5501]

Cahiers Debussy, nouvelle série. No.11 – 1987.

Paris. 1988. 8º, 45 pp. François Lesure, Une interview de Debussy (février 1914). - Marie Rolf, Mauclair and Debussy : the decade from œMer belle aux îles sanguinaires” to La Mer. - Charles Timbrell, Walter Morse Rummer, Debussy’s œPrince of virtuosos”. - Chronique. - Bibliographie. - Discographie. Wrappers. Special sale price $5, regularly $35 [item no.5502]

Cahiers Debussy. Nos. 12-13 – 1988-1989. Actes du Colloque International, Université de Genève, mars 1989.

Paris. 1990. 8º, 160 pp. Jean-Jacques Eigeldinger, L’œuvre de Claude Debussy. Texte, interprétation, esthétique (préambule). - Jean-Jacques Eigeldinger, Debussy et l’idée d’arabesque musicale. - François Lesure, Achille à la Villa (1885-1887). - Marie Rolf, Des Ariettes (1888) aux Ariettes oubliées (1903). - Margaret G. Cobb, Au temps de La Damoiselle élue. - Jean-Michel Nectoux, Debussy et Mallarmé. - Richard Langham Smith, Rodrigue et Chimène. Genèse, histoire, problèmes d’édition. - Denis Herlin, Le dédale des corrections dans Sirènes. - David A. Grayson, The interludes of Pelléas et Mélisande. - Myriam Chimènes, La chimie musicale de Khamma. - Roy Howat, Debussy et les musiques de l’Inde. - Theo Hirsbrunner, Debussy d’outre-tombe. - Bibliographie. Wrappers. Special sale price $5, regularly $71 [item no.5503]

Callegari Hill, L. L’Accademia Filarmonica di Bologna, 1666-1800: Statuti, indici degli aggregati e catalogo degli esperimenti d’esame nell’archivio, con un’introduzione storica.

Subsidia Historica, II/3. Bologna, 1991. 8º, 480 pp. Wrappers. Special sale price, $35, regularly $87 [item no.5176]

Caraci Vela, Maria. La critica del testo musicale. Metodi e problemi della filologia musicale.

Studi e Testi Musicali, 4. Lucca, 1994. 8º, xii, 521 pp. Wrappers. Special sale price $25, regularly $83 [item no.5852]

Caravaglios, Cesare. Il folklore musicale in Italia.

Classici di Folk-Lore, 15. Bologna, 1979. 8º, 467, 8 illus pp. (Rpt. of Naples, 1936 edition). Hardbound. Special sale print 20, regularly $56 [item no.5397]

Cattin, Giulio. Il manoscritto Veneto Marciano Ital. IX 145.

Biblioteca di “Quadrivium”, Serie Musicologica, 3. Bologna, 1962. 8º, 68, with 7 illus pp. Study and inventory of a 14-15th c. composite ms. Contains 97 works all, including mass movements by Dufay & Binchois and numerous anonymous sequences, introits and laudi. Wrappers. Special sale price, $5, regularly $15 [item no.5046]

Cesari, Gaetano. Le origini madrigali cinquecentesco.

Bibliotheca Musica Bononiensis, III/36. Bologna, 1976. 8º, 82 pp. (Rpt. of 1912 edition). With introductory note by Giuseppe Vecchi. Cloth. Special sale print $10, regularly $26 [item no.5333]

Colombani, Ernesto. Catalogo della collezione d’autografi lasciata alla R. Accademia Filarmonica di Bologna dall’accademico Ab. Dott. Masseangelo Masseangeli / Catalogo della collezione di ritratti in fotografia.

Bibliotheca Musica Bononiensis, I/5. Bologna, 1969. 8º, 450 pp. (Rpt. of Bologna, 1881 edition). Catalog of the magnificent Masseangeli autograph collection, which became a part of the holdings of the Accademia Filarmonica in 1877. Hardbound. Special sale print $30, regularly $63 [item no.5285]

[Contributi Musicologici, v.2] La musica in S. Maria Maggiore a Bergamo nel periodo di Giovanni Cavaccio (1598-1626). A cura di Maurizio Padoan.

Contributi Musicologici del Centro Ricerche dell’A.M.I.S.–Como, [2]. Como, 1983. 8º, 220 pp. Wrappers. Special sale price, $5, regularly $24 [item no.5173]

[Contributi Musicologici, v.4] La musica sacra in Lombardia nella prima metà del seicento. Atti del convegno internazionale di studi. Como, 31 maggio – 2 giugno 1995. A cura di Alberto Colzano, Andrea Luppi, Maurizio Padoan.

Contributi Musicologici del Centro Ricerche dell’A.M.I.S.–Como, 4. Como, 1987. 8º, 422 pp. Articles by J. Roche, H. Wolff, K. Fischer, V. Gibelli, G. Vecchi, P. Fabbri, C. Gianturco, D. Arnold, G. Sanvito, P. Mioli, A. Colzani, I. Cavallini, U. Scarpetta, N. Ghiglione, L. Migliavacca, O. Tajetti, M. Longatti, C. Piccardi, M. Perz, M. Padoan, and F. Passadore. Wrappers. Special sale price, $10, regularly $44 [item no.5817]

[Contributi Musicologici, v.5] Tradizione e stile. Atti del il convegno internazionale di studi sul tema “La musica sacra in area Lombardo-Padana nella seconda metà del ’600”. A cura di Alberto Colzani, Andrea Luppi, Maurizio Padoan.

Contributi Musicologici del Centro Ricerche dell’A.M.I.S.–Como, 5. Como, 1989. 8º, 306 pp. Articles by S. Bonta, A. Luppi, O. Gambassi, M. Perz, E. Boggio, L. Marozzi, D. Blazey, P. Mioli, I. Cavallini, D. Costantini/N. Sansone, B. Przybyszewska-Jarminska, F. Passadore, R. Emans, and V. Gibelli. Wrappers. Special sale price, $10, regularly $38 [item no.5818]

[Contributi Musicologici, v.6] Statuti della musica. Studi sull’estetica musicale tra sei e ottocento. A cura di Andrea Luppi, Maurizio Padoan.

Contributi Musicologici del Centro Ricerche dell’A.M.I.S.–Como, 6. Como, 1989. 8º, 175 pp. Wrappers. Special sale price, $5, regularly $24 [item no.5819]

[Contributi Musicologici, v.7] Seicento inesplorato. L’evento musicale tra prassi e stile: un modello di interdipendenza. Atti del III convegno internazionale sulla musica in area lombardo-padana nel secolo XVII, Lenno - Como, 23-25 giugno 1989. A cura di Alberto Colzani, Andrea Luppi, Maurizio Padoan.

Contributi Musicologici del Centro Ricerche dell’A.M.I.S.–Como, 7. Como, 1993. 8º, 624 pp. Articles by W. Braun, P. Allsop, V. Gibelli, M. Perz, D. Constantini/A. Magaudda, E. Ferrari-Barassi, O. Gambassi, M.-T. Bouquet-Boyer, D. Blazey, J. Kurtzman, J. Roche, G. Dixon, M. Caraci Vela, J. Suess, P. Mioli, F. Passadore, C. Di Luca, N. Dubowy, P. Rigoli, R. Emans, & A. Luppi. Wrappers. Special sale price, $30, regularly $66 [item no.5820]

[Contributi Musicologici, v.8] Il madrigale oltre il madrigale. Dal barocco al novecento: destino di una forma e problemi di analisi. Atti del IV convegno internazionale sulla musica italiana nel secolo XVII. Lenno - Como, 28-30 giugno 1991. A cura di Alberto Colzani, Andrea Luppi, Maurizio Padoan.

Contributi Musicologici del Centro Ricerche dell’A.M.I.S.–Como, 8. Como, 1994. 8º, 358 pp. Articles by A. Vassalli, F. Piperno, S. Tuksar, L. Davey, M. Mabbett, J. Kurtzman, F. Passadore, J. Roche, A. Morelli, F. Rossi, L. Sirch, W. Dürr, B. Meier, T. Carter, P. Mecarelli, and M. Garda. Wrappers. Special sale price, $20, regularly $40 [item no.5821]

[Contributi Musicologici, v.9] Il melodramma italiano in Italia e in Germania nell’età barocca. Atti del convegno, 1993. A cura di Alberto Colzani, Andrea Luppi, Maurizio Padoan.

Contributi Musicologici del Centro Ricerche dell’A.M.I.S.–Como, 9. Como, 1995. 8º, 349 pp. Articles by W. Braun, O. Landmann, G. Croll, D. Schröder, R. Emans, R. Kendrick, H. Seifert, D. Freeman, P. Vendrix, L. Lindgren, C. Gianturco, J. Kurtzmann, S. Martinotti, S. Lorenzetti, J. Grundy Fanelli, S. Corti, G. Biagi Ravenni, and E. Porta. Wrappers. Special sale price, $20, regularly $40 [item no.5822]

Corsaro, Orazio. La zampogna “messinese”. Riflessioni su uno strumento popolare. Prefazione di P.E. Carapezza.

Tradizioni Musicali, 13. Bologna, 1992. 8º, 132, 26 illus pp. Wrappers. Special sale print $10, regularly $35 [item no.5580]

Dalmonte, Rossana. Catalogo musicale del Duomo di Monza.

Bibliotheca Musica Bononiensis, VI/2. Bologna, 1969. 8º, xlv, 219, 19 plates pp. Cloth. Special sale print $15, regularly $48 [item no.5395]

Delfino, Antonio. Varietà d’harmonia et d’affetto. Studi in onore di Giovanni Marzi per il suo LXX compleanno. A cura di Antonio Delfino.

Studi e Testi Musicali, 5. Lucca, 1995. 8º, xv, 263 pp. Wrappers. Special sale price $15, regularly $59 [item no.5865]

Dell’Amore, Franco. “Taca, Zaclèn?” le origini del ballo popolare in Romagna (1870-1915) nel repertorio di Carlo Brighi detto Zaclèn.

Tradizioni Musicali, 9. Bologna, 1990. 8º, 176, 6 illus pp. Wrappers. Special sale print $10, regularly $30 [item no.5439]

De Simone, Mariano. Le danze popolari nordamericane. Storia e tecnica delle Country Dances. Disegni di Maruccia De Simone.

Tradizioni Musicali, 18. Bologna, 1998. 8º, 193 pp. Wrappers. Special sale print $10, regularly $36 [item no.6228]

Finscher, Ludwig (ed.) MGG—Die Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart. Allgemeine Enzyklopädie der Musik befründet von Friedrich Blume. Zweite, neubearbeitete Ausgabe herausgegeben von Ludwig Finscher. Subject Encyclopedia (9 vols); Biographical Encyclopedia (17 vols); Index to Biographical and Subject Sections (2 vol); Supplement to Subject Section (1 vol).

Kassel, 1994-2007. 8º, 29 vols. Buckram. New. This monumental set is now out of print. Special reduced price, $2995, regularly $7015 (more info... ) [item no.6644]

Free Ensemble. Gruppo musicale di ricerca. Il salotto musicale. A cura di M. Bizzoccoli e R. Frison.

Tradizioni Musicali, 14. Bologna, 1992. 8º, 294, 33 illus pp. Wrappers. Special sale print $15, regularly $44 [item no.5581]

Free Ensemble. Gruppo musicale teatrale di ricerca. “Replicate il dolce canto”. Composiziioni scelte per “Il salotto musicale”. Introduzione di Roberta Frison; Antologia musicale a cura di Roberta Frison, Giovanni Indulti, G. Filippo Stella.

Tradizioni Musicali, 16. Bologna, 1994. 8º(upright & oblong), 2 vols, 93, xvii, 140 pp. Wrappers. Special sale print $30, regularly $77 [item no.5665]

Gaffurio, Franchino. Extractus parvus musice Franchini Gafurii.

Scriptores, IV/1. Bologna, 1970. 8º, 208 pp. Wrappers. Special sale print $10, regularly $33 [item no.5245]

(Gallo, F. Alberto) L’ars nova italiana del trecento. Secondo convegno internazionale 17-22 luglio 1969 sotto il patrocinio della Società Internazionale di Musicologia. Edizione curata da F. Alberto Gallo.

Bologna, 1970. 8º, 509, 8 illus pp. Wrappers. Special sale print $20, regularly $51 [item no.5000]

Gasperini, Guido. Città di Parma. Catalogo generale delle opere musicali o pratiche, manoscritte o stampate, di autori vissuti sino ai primi decenni del XIX secolo, esistenti nelle biblioteche e negli archivi d’Italia.

Bibliotheca Musica Bononiensis, I/1. Bologna, 1970. 8º, ii, vii, 320 pp. (Rpt. of 1911 edition). With new preface by Giuseppe Vecchi. Cloth. Special sale print $25, regularly $59 [item no.5281]

Gasperini, Guido & Franco Gallo. San Pietro a Majella di Napoli. Catalogo delle opere musicali del Conservatorio.

Bibliotheca Musica Bononiensis, I/21. Bologna, 1988. 8º, viii, 696 pp. (Rpt. of Parma, 1934 edition). Cloth. Special sale print $60, regularly $143 [item no.5300]

Gasperini, Guido. Storia della semiografia musicale.

Bibliotheca Musica Bononiensis, II/52. Bologna, 1984. 13 x 18 cm, 325 pp. (Rpt. of Milan, 1905 edition). History of notation; subject divided into alphabetic, diastematic and actual notation. Italian equivalent of Johannes Wolf’s Handbuch der Notationskunde. Hundreds of musical examples. Cloth. Special sale print $15, regularly $45 [item no.5411]

Ghisi, Federico. Alle fonti della monodia. Due nuovi brani della “Dafne”; Il ’Fuggilotio musicale” di G. Caccini.

Biblioteca Storico Giuridica e Artistico Letteraria, Letteratura Musica Teatro, 36. Bologna, 1970. 8º, 78 pp. (Rpt. of Turin, 1940 edition). Two complementary studies on early monody. Wrappers. Special sale price, $5, regularly $22 [item no.5119]

Ghisi, Federico. I canti carnascialeschi nelle fonti musicali del XV e XVI secolo.

Biblioteca Storico Giuridica e Artistico Letteraria: Letteratura Musica Teatro, 30. Bologna, 1970. 8º, 223 pp. (Rpt. of Florence, 1937 edition). Wrappers. Special sale price, $15, regularly $43 [item no.5114]

Ghisi, Federico (Festschrift, v.1) Memorie e contributi alla musica dal medioevo all’età moderna offerti a F. Ghisi nel settantesimo compleanno (1901-1971). [Vol. 1].

Miscellanee Saggi Convegni, 2. Bologna, 1971. 8º, 377 pp. Festschrift issued on the occasion of Ghisi’s 70th birthday. Essays by Vecchi, Terni, Morin, Ziino, Bisogni, Perz, Gallo, D’Accone, Pirrotta, Kanazawa, Reaney, Thibault, Seay, Brown, Cattin, Picker, Biagi, Raney, Barassi and Racek. Wrappers. Special sale price, $15, regularly $52 [item no.5216]

Giusti, Maria Elena. Ballate della raccolta Barbi.

Tradizioni Musicali, 8. Bologna, 1990. 8º, 244, 16 pp. Wrappers. Special sale print $10, regularly $38 [item no.5405]

Hoffmann, Bettina. Catalogo della musica solistica e cammeristica per viola da gamba / Catalog of Solo and Chamber Music for Viola da Gamba.

Lucca, 2001. 8º, 254 pp. New comprehensive index of music written for viola da gamba. Wrappers. Special sale price $10, regularly $36 (more info... ) [item no.6315]

Iannone, Nicola. Ballate della raccolta nigra. Note nella Provincia di Piacenza.

Tradizioni Musicali, 6. Bologna, 1989. 8º, 250 pp. Wrappers. Special sale print $10, regularly $41 [item no.5403]

Imago Musicae VIII – 1991. International Yearbook of Musical Iconography.

Lucca, 1995. 8º, 223 pp. Articles by Seebass, Beschi, Nordquist, Goulaki-Voutira, Lepore, Braun, & Buckley. Linen. Special sale price $15, regularly $75 [item no.5648]

Leo, Giacomo. Leonardo Leo. Musicista del sec. XVIII. Le sue opere musicali.

Bibliotheca Musica Bononiensis, I/12. Bologna, 1977. 8º, 128 pp. (Rpt. of Naples, 1905 edition). First large-scale monograph on Leo and his works. Wrappers. Special sale print $5, regularly $25 [item no.5291]

Levi, Ezio. Poesia di popolo e poesia di corte nel trecento.

Biblioteca Storico Giuridica e Artistico Letteraria: Letteratura Musica Teatro, 10. Bologna, 1971. 8º, xx, 260 pp. (Rpt. of Livorno, 1915 edition). Wrappers. Special sale price, $10, regularly $32 [item no.5097]

Lorenzetti, Roberto. La moresca nell’area mediterranea.

Tradizioni Musicali, 11. Bologna, 1991. 8º, 188, 55 illus pp. Wrappers. Special sale print $10, regularly $47 [item no.5440]

Manicardi, Nunzia. Canti narrativi italiani. Versioni centro-settentrionali. Melodie e testi trascritti da Nunzia Manicardi. Prefazione di Gian Paolo Borghi.

Tradizioni Musicali, 15. Bologna, 1994. 8º, 341 pp. Wrappers. Special sale print $10, regularly $41 [item no.5654]

Manicardi, Nunzia. Canti popolari inglesi per bambini. 70 melodie e testi collezioni, trascritti e armonizzati da Nunzia Manicardi con illustrazioni di Lucietta Righetti. Prefazione di Franchino Falsetti.

Tradizioni Musicali, 19. Bologna, 1998. 8º, 119 pp. Wrappers. Special sale print $5, regularly $23 [item no.6227]

Manicardi, Nunzia. Storia d’Italia nel canto popolare. 270 melodie e testi trascritti ed elaborati da Nunzia Manicardi. Prefazione di Gian Paolo Borghi.

Tradizioni Musicali, 17. Bologna, 1990. 8º, 491 pp. Wrappers. Special sale print $10, regularly $38 [item no.6015]

Manicardi, Nunzia. Tradizione musicale irlandese. Prodotti, processi, ruolo. Prefazione di Raoul Meloncelli.

Tradizioni Musicali, 3. Bologna, 1988. 8º, 250, 19 illus pp. Wrappers. Special sale print $10, regularly $44 [item no.5401]

Marchi, G.A. Il manoscritto liutario di G.A. Marchi, Bologna 1786 [a cura di] Roberto Regazzi. Con traduzione inglese di N. Sbarra.

Bologna, 1986. 8º, 382 pp. Cloth. Special sale print $60, regularly $120 [item no.5406]

Mastrigli, Leopoldo. La Sicilia musicale. Parte I: 1) La musica nei costumi del popolo Siciliano; b) Saggio di 40 melodie popolari Siciliane; Parte II: I musicisti siciliani del sec. XVII, XVIII, e XIX.

Bibliotheca Musica Bononiensis, III/58. Bologna, 2/ 1988. 8º, 132 pp. (Rpt. of Bologna, 1891 edition). Includes short biographical sketches on 35 Sicilian composers and musicians. Wrappers. Special sale print $5, regularly $20 [item no.5351]

Morrocchi, Rinaldo. La musica in Siena. Appunti storici relativ’ a quest’arte e a’ suoi cultori. Opera premiata con Medaglia di Bronzo all’esposizione musicale di Milano del 1881 edita per cura di Luciano Banchi.

Bibliotheca Musica Bononiensis, III/13. Bologna, 1969. 8º, 168 pp. (Rpt. of Siena, 1886 edition). Hardbound. Last copy. Special sale print $10, regularly $36 [item no.5319]

[Mouret, Jean Joseph, congress] Actes des Journées d’études consacrées à Jean Joseph Mouret pour le tricentenaire de sa naissance, organisées à Aix-en-Province, les 28 et 29 avril 1982. Aix-en-Province.

Geneva, 1983. 8º, 182 pp. Hardbound. Special sale price $5, regularly $30 [item no.5517]

Nejedly, Zdenek. Federico Smetana. Con 11 illustrazioni. Prefazione di Francesco Vatielli.

Bologna, 1925. 8º, 74, with 11 illus pp. Wrappers. Special sale print $5, regularly $19 [item no.5013]

Nerici, Luigi. Storia della musica in Lucca.

Bibliotheca Musica Bononiensis, III/11. Bologna, 1969. 8º, 460 pp. (Rpt. of Lucca, 1879 edition). Hardbound. Special sale print $30, regularly $83 [item no.5317]

Petrucci, Gualtiero. Epistolario di Federico Chopin [a cura di] Gualtiero Petrucci.

Bibliotheca Musica Bononiensis, V/15. Bologna, 1978. 16º, 255 pp. (Rpt. of 1907 edition). Translation into Italian of 22 letters by Chopin and 10 letters by contemporary composers addressed to Chopin. Also includes items by Jane Stirling, Fontana and various publishing houses. Wrappers. Special sale print $5, regularly $36 [item no.5390]

Piccolellis, Giovanni de. Liutai antichi e moderni. Note critico-biografiche.

Bibliotheca Musica Bononiensis, III/22. Bologna, 3/ 1985. 18 x 25 cm, 239 pp with 24 illus. (Rpt. of Florence, 1885-86 edition). Cloth. Special sale print $20, regularly $53 [item no.5142]

Pucciarelli, Franco. Flauto e musica, volume I.

Bologna, 1984. 8º, 76 pp. Wrappers. Special sale print $5, regularly $19 [item no.5001]

[Quadrivium, Rivista di filologia e musicologia] Quadrivium, vol. XI (1970).

420 pp. Wrappers. Special sale price, $35, regularly $83 [item no.5157]

Riemann, Hugo. Notenschrift und Notendruck. Bibliographisch-typographische Studie.

Bibliotheca Musica Bononiensis, I/8. Bologna, 1969. 22 x 31 cm, 98, with 28 illus pp. (Rpt. of 1896 edition). Line-cut of the Leipzig, 1896 edition. One of the earliest serious studies on notation. With 28 full-page illustrations of musical mss and early editions, eleven of which have been reproduced in two colors. Hardbound. Special sale print $15, regularly $54 [item no.5287]

Ropa, Giampaolo. L’“Enarratio Genesis” di Donizione di Canossa. Introduzione, edizione, commento e studio d’ambiente (sec. XI-XII).

Biblioteca di “Quadrivium”, Serie Filologica, 6. Bologna, 1977. 8º, 186 pp. Wrappers. Special sale price, $10, regularly $32 [item no.5042]

Santucci, Pellegrino. L’improvvisazione nella musica.

Bologna, 1982. 4º, ix, 851 pp. Exhaustive study on the doctrine of improvisation with special emphasis on Italian musical practice from the Renaissance and Baroque periods. Hundreds of line-cut facsimiles from various treatises arranged by subject and discussed in detail. Wrappers, in 2 vols. Special sale print $70, regularly $168 [item no.5012]

Santucci, Pellegrino. La Madonna nella musica.

Bologna, 1982. 4º, 1103 pp. Exhaustive study on the treatment of the Virgin in music from the 10th c. to modern times. Excellent iconography, with more than 700 illustrations from musical manuscripts–many hitherto unpublished–which honor the Virgin. Cloth, in 2 vols. Special sale print $95, regularly $195 [item no.5014]

San Vicente. Tiento sobre la música en el espacio tipográfico de Zaragoza anterior al siglo XX.

Zaragoza, 1986. 20 x 29 cm, 84, 62, & numerous illus pp. Survey of music from Zaragoza through its typography. Facsinating study with hundreds of illustrations (many in color) from incunabula and later printed books. Includes complete facsimiles of two villancico collections in their original format. Wrappers. Special sale price $10, regularly $24 [item no.4185]

Solerti, Angelo. Musica, ballo e drammatica alla Corte Medicea dal 1600 al 1637. Notizie tratte da un diario con appendice di testi inediti e rari (con illustrazioni).

Bibliotheca Musica Bononiensis, III/4. Bologna, 2/ 1989. 8º, 611, with 20 illus pp. (Rpt. of Florence, 1905 edition). Offers a gold mine of information, including a chronological listing of performed works as well as a wealth of original texts in modern edition. Cloth. Special sale print $35, regularly $98 [item no.5310]

Sorce Keller, Marcello. Tradizione orale e canto corale: ricerca musicologica in Trentino con un’appendice di musiche della Val di Fassa trascritte da Armando Franceschini.

Tradizioni Musicali, 10. Bologna, 1991. 8º, 293 pp. Wrappers. Special sale print $10, regularly $42 [item no.5415]

Teatro, festa, spettacolo, luogo teatrale tra rinascimento e barocco, nell’ottavo incontro con la musica italiana e polacca.

Miscellanee Saggi Convegni, 22. Bologna, 1979. 8º, 206 pp. Collection of 15 articles by Vecchi, Calore, H. Chr. Wolff, Stefani, Gallo, Colombati, Fabbri, A. Szweykowska, Z.M. Szeykowska, Milantoni, Mioli & Chodrowski. Wrappers. Special sale price, $10, regularly $29 [item no.5236]

Torraca, Francesco. Studi di storia letteraria Napoletana. Sacre rappresentazioni del Napoletano. Lirici napoletani del sec. XIV. Farse napoletane nel 400.

Biblioteca Storico Giuridica e Artistico Letteraria, Letteratura Musica Teatro, 28. Bologna, 1975. 8º, 470 pp. (Rpt. of Livorno, 1884 edition). Wrappers. Special sale price, $25, regularly $60 [item no.5112]

[Uguccione da Pisa] Il “De dubio accentu” di Uguccione da Pisa [a cura di] Giuseppe Cremascoli.

Magistri Artium, Collana di studi e testi, 1. Bologna, 1969. 8º, 92 pp. Comprehensive study of Uguccione’s grammatical doctrine (12th c.), with thorough investigation of the relationship of the surviving mss. Full critical edition of two principal redactions. Wrappers. Special sale price, $10, regularly $20 [item no.5263]

Vatielli, Francesco (collected articles) Arte e vita musicale a Bologna. Studi e saggi, con illustrazioni ed esempi musicali.

Bibliotheca Musica Bononiensis, III/5. Bologna, 1969. 8º, 2 vols: 492 pp. (Rpt. of Bologna, 1927-1943 edition). Collection of articles written between 1913 and 1943 on a whole range of Italian musical subjects. Hardbound, in 2 vols. Last copy. Special sale print $40, regularly $111 [item no.5311]

Vecchi, Giuseppe. Due studi sui ritmi latini del medio evo: 1) Il “Planctus” di Luxeuil; 2) Sulla teoria dei ritmi mediolatini, problemi di classificazione.

[Biblioteca Storico Giuridica e Artistico Letteraria: Litteratura Musica Teatro, 8]. Bologna, 1967. 8º, 51 pp. Wrappers. Special sale price, $5, regularly $12 [item no.5095]

Vecchi, Giuseppe (collected articles) Dulce melos. Raccolta di studi, I.

Miscellanee Saggi Convegni, 4. Bologna, 1972. 8º, 220 pp. Collection of 15 essays on medieval topics. Preface by Vittorio Gibelli. Wrappers. Special sale price, $15, regularly $38 [item no.5218]

Vecchi, Giuseppe (collected articles) Dulce melos. Raccolta di studi, II.

Miscellanee Saggi Convegni, 5. Bologna, 1974. 8º, 228 pp. Collection of 13 essays on medieval and early renaissance topics. Preface by Vittorio Gibelli. Wrappers. Special sale price, $15, regularly $38 [item no.5219]

Vecchi, Giuseppe (collected articles) Dulce melos. Raccolta di studi, IV.

Miscellanee Saggi Convegni. Bologna, 1982. 8º, 260 pp. Collection of 8 studies on renaissance and early baroque topics. Preface by Laura Callegari. Wrappers. Special sale price, $15, regularly $38 [item no.5233]

Vecchi, Giuseppe & Maurizio Padoan. Pensiero romantico, estetica musicale e melodramma italiano. Due studi.

Biblioteca Storico Giuridica e Artistico Letteraria: Letteratura Musica Teatro, 19. Bologna, 1976. 8º, 67 pp. Wrappers. Special sale price, $5, regularly $18 [item no.5106]

Wolff, Barbara Mahrenholz. Music Manuscripts at Harvard. A Catalogue of Music Manuscripts from the 14th to the 20th Centuries in the Houghton Library and the Eda Kuhn Loeb Music Library.

Cambridge, 1992. 8º, xx, 245 pp. Hardbound. Special sale price $15, regularly $80 [item no.6048]

Zanotti, Gino. Biblioteca del Convento di S. Francesco di Bologna. Catalogo del fondo musicale a cura di Gino Zanotti. Volume I: Le edizioni; Volume II: I manoscritti.

Bibliotheca Musica Bononiensis, VI/3. Bologna, 1970. 8º, 2 vols, 718 pp. Hardbound. Special sale print $35, regularly $101 [item no.5396]