Verlag (Kassel) • Verlag J.B. Metzler
MGG—Die Musik in
Geschichte und Gegenwart
The Subject
Encyclopedia in 9 volumes (complete)
Biographical Encyclopedia in 17 volumes
2 Index
volumes: one for Subject and one for
Biographical section
(new entries to Subject & Biographical


The Subject
is unique in its
conception. It comprises 9 volumes (plus one index
volume) containing more than 1,500 entries with
detailed information on music aesthetics and
theory, epochs and genres, church music and pop
music, instruments and manuscripts as well as
cities and countries. Due to the extensive nature
of the entries with their frequent subdivisions,
the MGG conforms truly to the meaning of the word
Apart from the
more standard entries the Subject Encyclopedia
also includes comprehensive articles on
institutions (music libraries, the music library
lending industry), on music iconographical
subjects, on correlated relationships to the other
arts (for example color-tone relationships, the
reception towards jazz, the encyclopedia entry
music, etc).
specialists on a worldwide basis have made this
overall picture possible. Many illustrations
(mostly in color), music examples, comprehensive
literature lists and cross references supplement
the detailed texts.
The Biographical
comprising 17
volumes (plus 1 index & 1 supplement volume)
contains more than 18,000 entries, including over
9,000 composers, more than 2,000 singers and
instrumentalists, and more than 1,000 on
theorists. Many of these entries are on
non-western composers, performers and writers, and
more than 500 are on figures from jazz and popular
music. There are also over 500 entries on
philosophers and literary figures, not to mention
more than 5,000 on instrument makers, publishers,
musicologists, writers, librettists and visual
artists. Many appear for the first time in a work
of reference.
The Biographical
Encyclopedia is the work of more than 2,000
scholars from 55 countries across the globe. All
are internationally recognized authorities in
their field.
Equally unique are
the discussions of subjects touching on music,
including history, art, literature, philosophy,
law and the natural sciences.
Music Encyclopedia in the world |
distributed by:
OMI - Old Manuscripts &
Incunabula PO Box 6019 FDR Station, New York NY 10150
tel/fax 212/ 758-1946
• http://www.omifacsimiles.com • immels@earthlink.net