Francesco Rognoni

    Selva de varii passaggi
    secondo l'uso moderno,
    per cantare, & sonare


       Facsimile of the 1620 Milan printed
       edition preserved in the Biblioteca del
       Conservatorio, Milan


F. Rognoni, Selva de varii passaggi, tp

F. Rognoni, Selva de varii passagi


Bibliotheca Musica Bononiensis, II/153. Bologna, 2/ 1983. 22 x 32 cm, xii. 130 pp. Line-cut of the Milan, 1620 edition. Francesco Rognoni came from a prominent musical family and was himself a virtuoso of several instruments. Selva de varii passaggi (possibly translated "Forest of sundry ornaments, for singing or instrumental performance") contains important expressive devices of the time: portar la voce, accento, tremolo, gruppo, esclamatione and intonatio—in short, ornaments absolutely essential for performing the music of Monteverdi and his generation. Introduction in It by Guglielmo Barblan. Wrappers. $63

  F. Rognoni, Selva de varii passaggi      

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