Andreas Antico Liber quindecim missarum

Andrea Antico
Liber quindecim missarum

(Rome 1516)

  electarum quae per excellentissimos musicos compositae fuerunt
Afterwood by Martn Kirnbauer
Stuttgard, 2006
Faksimile-Edition Rara, 52
29 x 42 cm, 326, iii pp


Line-cut of the Rome, 1516 edition. This exquisite choirbook—executed entirely with woodblock engraving—is the first sacred music printed in Rome. In the dedication to Pope Leo X Antico mentions he spent three years laborious preparing the woodcuts for this publication. The graphic artist responsible for the cover page designs as well as numerous illustrations that appear throughout the print was probably Giovanbattista Columba. A gem for music historian and performer alike. The volume contains 15 masses, 3 by Josquin, 3 by Brumel (including Missa de beata virgine), 3 by Fevin, 2 each by de la Rue and Mouton, and 1 each by Pippelare and Rossell.
Hardbound in decorative paper. $190

(view other rnaissance facsimiles)


Andrea Antico Liber quindecim missarum, cover
OMI - Old Manuscripts & Incunabula
  PO Box 6019 FDR Station New York NY 10150
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