Newly discovered source for partimento

L’A.B.C. Musical
Contenant des preludes et des fugues de tous les tons pour l'orgue, ou le clavecin. Fort utile aux disciples pour aprendre à accompagner de la basse continue et à faire des preludes et des fugues
Faksimile Nachdruck 2004 der Originalausgabe Amsterdam ca. 1734 herausgegeben, kommentiert und Generalbaß realiziert von Anatoly Milka

Kirchhoff, L'A.B.C. Musical

St. Petersburg, 2004. Oblong 28 x 21, xxvii, 33, 66 pp. Line-cut of the Witvogel edition, Amsterdam, 1734. An important source for partimento. Kirchhoff provides a single figured bass line, then the performer is expected to expand this into a filled-out prelude and fugue. The importance of this—alongside such works as J.S. Bach’s Well-Tempered Clavier—cannot be overstated. The work was considered lost until a copy was found in the State Conservatory in St. Petersburg. With complete realizations of the basso continuo examples. Commentary in Rus-Ger. Hardbound. $46

Kirchhoff, L'A.B.C. Musical, cover
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