GAUDIO, Antonio dal, fl.1669-1682

Almerico in Cipro
Partitura dell’opera in facsimile, edizione del libretto, saggio introduttivo a cura di Giovanni Morelli

Gaudio. Almerico in cipro
  sample page

Drammaturgia Musicale Veneta, 7.
Milan, 2005. Oblong, 30 x 23 cm, xvi, 207 pp.

Line-cut of a contemporary ms copy (full score), and first edition of the libretto. Almerico in Cipro is a representative opera from a long period in which the Venetian Republic experienced military and political setbacks; the opera’s sentimental and extremely intricate plot, containing many absurdities, is woven around royal characters from the Mediterranean area.


Gaudio. Almerico in cipro, cover
The musical treatment seems to hint at the emergent “da capo” aria soon to blossom. Although there is a lack of any relationship between the contemporary historical events that affected the life of the city and state (here, the war in the Peloponnese) and the fictional stories of the opera, there does exist a typically Venetian allegorical dimension. Introduction in It with Eng summary. Linen. $231(view other volumes from this series)

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