St. Faith - Sancta Fides

Liber Miraculorum Sanctae Fidis (XIe-XIVe siècles) conservé à la Bibliothèque Humaniste de Sélestat

St. Faith , Liber Miraculurum
sample page

Sélestat, 1994. 22 x 33 cm, 249 pp. Beautiful 4-color reproduction of the 11th c. “Book of Miracles of Saint Faith” (fols. 15-104), and other material relating to her as late as the 14th c. (two hymns, a passion, a translation of the reliquary, and the legend on the founding of the priory of Ste. Foy). Contains 98 remarkable historiated initials (in the cloisonné style of south central France) and pieces for the Office of St. Faith in Aquitanian notation and square notation employing 17 staff lines. Issued on the occasion of the ninth centenary of the priory. Hardbound. $128

n.b.  An addional commentary volume—Annuaire 1994, XLIV. Les Amis de la Bibliothèque Humaniste de Sélestat—with 21 articles on the work and influence of St. Faith is available for $40

St. Faith, Liber miraculorum
distributed by:

OMI - Old Manuscripts & Incunabula PO Box 6019 FDR Station, New York NY 10150
tel/fax 212/ 758-1946 • •