Dioscórides Latino, 1   
Dioscórides Latino
Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Chig. F VII.158

Codex Chigi F VII.158 is richly illustrated with images of grasses, trees, plants, animals, amphibians and insects. This encyclopedic herbarium with notes about food, balsams, poisons and cosmetic products derived from various animals was an example and model both in the Orient and the Occident and enjoyed a great reputation from the medieval to the renaissance periods.  The MS is the work of Dioscórides-Pedanio, the Greek doctor and naturalist born in the 1st century A.D. He was active as the military doctor for Emperor Claudio and Neron. Dioscórides understood the gathering and systemization of all that the empirical practice and popular medicine knew regarding the plants and their use.

Codex Discorides Latino, 2
This treatise is a marvel in medieval pharmacopeia and tells in simple terms the normal use of medicinal plants, known as "medicamentum simplex" as opposed to "medicamentum compositum", one that is prepared unifying several substances.  Deluxe facsimile edition in the original format, 220 pp. Drawings have the stigma of Cardinal Fabio Chigi and Pope Alexander VII stamped in gold. Published by Testimonio. Euro 1,803 (please call for special OMI price)

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