Balli teatrali a Venezia 
Partiture di sei balli pantomimici di Brighenti, Angiolini e Viganò
Saggio introduttivo a cura di José Sasportes. Catalogo generale cronologico dei balli teatrali a Venezia a cura di Elena Ruffin e Giovanni Trentin

Balli teatrali a Venezia, 1746-1859
  sample page

Drammaturgia Musicale Veneta, 30.
Milan, 1994. Oblong, 30 x 23 cm, 2 vols, cccxliv, 390 pp.

Line-cut of scores to 6 pantomine dances: 2 by Giacomo Brighenti for the operas Andromaca & Partenope, 2 by Gaspare Angiolini for Antigono & Lucio Vero, and 2 by Onorato Viganò for Calliroe. Commentary consists of complete descriptive catalog of the Venetian theatrical dance repertoire from the first appearances of narrative subjects in choregraphic entertainments until the closure of the Fenice theater in 1859. Indispensable for the study of dance in Italy. Linen. $499


Balli teatrali a Venezia, 1746-1859, cover

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