facsimile of an 11th-c. Visigothic Mozarabic Antiphonary

Liber Antiphonarium de toto anni circulo a festivitate sancti Aciscli usque ad finem, Librum Ikilani Abbati

Cathedralis Ecclesiae Legionensis in Hispania codex signatus Nr.VIII

Curavit: Ismael Fernández de la Cuesta

Madrid, 2011. 23 x 34 cm, 620 pp
.  ISBN 978-84-86878-21-4   $148

Antiphonario Visigótico Mozárabe, 1a


Antiphonario Visigótico Mozárabe, 0

Antiphonario Visigótico Mozárabe, 1

Antiphonario Visigótico Mozárabe, 2

Antiphonario Visigótico Mozárabe, 3


Antiphonario Visigótico Mozárabe, 4

Full color facsimile of León, Catedral de Santa María de Regla, Ms. 8, a rare 11th- century antiphonary containing all the chants for the mass and office in calendar order, plus the chants for feast days and Sundays. It is the most important musical codex of the hispanic liturgy and one of the most representative musical codices of the West. At the same time it is the only complete visigothic mozarabic antiphonary that has survived.
Prologue (fols. 1-3) including an
   epigram dedicated to the abbot Ikila;

Computus Cottonianus (fols. 20-27)
   with beautifully decorated wheels and 
   architectural framing;

Antiphonarium mozarabicum (fols. 28v-

32 full-page decorations, 19 figures, 84 decorative initials. Hardbound. $148

 distributed by:

OMI - Old Manuscripts & Incunabula PO Box 6019 FDR Station, New York NY 10150
tel/fax 212/ 758-1946 • http://www.omifacsimiles.com • immels@earthlink.net